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Edge/Epix Settings Troubleshooting

Cross-posting from another Garmin forum.

Hive mind help (and Ray Maker if you see this, too!).

I'm at a loss for why my wife's Garmin setup is not functioning as expected.

Prior to 12/26/2023
Wife had a FR945 and an Edge 1030
I had a Fenix 6 and and Edge 520+

We could do indoor riding on Zwift. We double record (both our GC accounts gets data from Edge units and Stages PM).
Both of us were seeing precise and accurate data displayed in GC.

An indoor ride for her, recorded on her Edge and displayed along with all-day HR from her FR945 looks like this for a hard indoor training session.

She replaced her FR945 and I replaced my Fenix6.
We both got Epix v2 Pros.
She still uses Edge 1030 and I still use and Edge 520+
We both do an indoor ride and record w/ our respective Edge computers.
The activities show up in the history files in our respective Epix 2s
Each of our in-activity data looks correct/as expected.
But our respective all day heart rate data—which includes the activities—looks vastly different.
I've experienced no changes to the data I expect to see.
I've change no settings for my Edge, nor in Garmin Connect other than to replace the Fenix with the Epix
She sees data presented for all-day heart rate that does not display the in-activity heart rate.
She also made no settings changes to her devices, but sees data that does not look as expected:
Her data from a z2 indoor ride:
My data from an z2 indoor ride:
Any insights/suggestions/advice would be appreciated.