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Edge 1030 screen popped up

I noticed the bottom of the screen on my Garmin Edge 1030 raised up off the unit, so far you could see inside the unit.

The cause of this issue was the battery swelled up and pushed the screen up. I watched some videos on YouTube on how to remove/ replace screen & battery. 
Had to also get replacement double sided adhesive piece to re-stick screen down. Not a difficult job overall.

I contacted Garmin on this issue before I had figured out the cause Of problem and all they said was send my unit to them and they would sell me a refurbished unit for $150. No thank you! They never mentioned this could be caused by the battery, not very customer centric.

anyway, it’s repaired and back in service.

  • FYI, Mark
  • I'm sure in the same boat... Guess I'll have to look for help from YouTube. It's sad they have great products that do great things but yes the idea of customer service and loyalty seem to be things of the past. 

  • Hi there,

    I have the same situation unfortunately. May I ask where you sourced both the battery and also the screen adhesive piece?

    thank you


  • The problem is the plastic wrapping around the battery, the battery seems to produce some gas, blowing up the wrapping like a balloon, pushing the glass/screen out.

    Just make a hole in the batteries plastic wrapping so the gas can escape, then use some silicon to seal the glass back in it's place, you can also purchase a narrow double sided black tape from stationary shops 

  • thank you! Your idea about the craft tape is super useful. Not sure good idea about deflating the battery as whilst fixing the swelling the gas production indicates a problem with the cell. I had a laptop that did something similar and was told that it could go on fire if not replaced. I guess the likelihood is increased but who knows, might be fine! Thanks again.