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An approximate date for the new firmware ? We've been stuck at the 13.79 beta for too long

It's been 3 months since Beta 13.79 that we installed at your request to help you fix sensor bugs. Unfortunately this 13.79 turned out to be the worst beta of the whole program and I want to install an official firmware as soon as possible. I decided to ride using the Fenix because with the 1030 I'm having too many problems with the IQ app, with the sensors and with the Training Effect due to the device restarting during the rides.

  • The 13.79 beta zip contained the previous production version install file (13.75), given the complete silence from Garmin during the beta and since it was closed, (the beta forum locked since about 20 August), that might be your best bet as there is no certainty (or even likelihood) of another new version soon (ever?)

  • The certainty of a new firmware (13.80) is absolute, maybe it will be one of the last but it will be there 100%.
    I also exited the beta program and, when I confirmed the exit, it wrote me that I would have to wait for the next version to definitively exit the program.
    So, even if I can do a downgrade, I'm forced to wait for the 13.80 version and I'd like to know the timing (I hope in the first days of September) but I'm waiting for a response from the company which has been responding too little lately.