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EDGE 1030 No GPS, no satellite

Hello all,

Since a few days my Edge 1030 no longer finds satellites.
I have already deleted the following files and redownloaded them via SW Garmin Express (for MAC):
- GARMIN/gmaptz.img

For verification I tried the following:
1. clicked on the ICON "BIKE" on the start page (depending on the profile)
2. clicked on the screen -> overlay page opens
3. right arrow pressed long (few sec.)
4. show satellites
=> Not a single satellite is displayed

I also have enough memory (free ca. 3,5GB)

Additionally I have reset the device completely.

What else I noticed: As soon as the device snychronizes with the cell phone, it has the correct time. Once the syn. is complete, it shows a completely different time.

According to the device, the last current location is somewhere in the US.

Does anyone have any more ideas as to what this could be?
(We were in South Tyrol fradahren -> worked wonderfully, then went by car about 150km further, now no more Satelitten).

Thanks for more ideas or the actual solution.