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Edge 1000 Training Effect & Cycling VO2MAX

I’m using a Garmin Edge 1000, and I just noticed that my most recent ride isn’t showing any data for Training Effect (like it doesn’t appear at all) and my VO2MAX cycling data is completely blank. 

What am I missing here? Is there some magic metric or setting that I need to start having this data show up?

  • Not working for me. No Training Effect and cycling FTP also outdated for months. Any solution? Garmin guys were here few months back, recognize the problem but no solution so far. 

  • Any update on this ? Before VO2 max calculated indoors and out on my garmin 1000 but now its only calculating for outdoor activities,

  • No still does not work. No answer from Garmin Support either.

    Bad service from Garmin.....

  • I disconnected every third person app tonight and used an outdoor profile on the trainer and it worked tonight. I was running an indoor profile before (no gps) and it worked pre Christmas with v 15.2 but for some reason in 15.4 it doesn't :-/

  • Today I have received an answer from Garmin Netherlands. 
    They say that the Garmin is broken and that the can replace is. Due to the fact that the item is out of warranty I have to pay €220,20 for a refurbished replacement. 
     I really do not believe that this issue is related to hardware. So I think that this solution is ridiculous....

  • They got back to me this morning. They suggest that I make my edge the primary 'activity tracker' in GC Settings > Devices > Device Settings. The only problem there isn't an option. There is in my watch GC settings so I'll try turning it off the next time I am on the turbo. If it doesn't work I'll live with not having VO2 max calc indoors as there's no way I am paying to get another edge which probably has the same problem :-)

  • That’s also my idea. I cannot imagine that it’s an hardware issue. So I guess the new machine will also have the same problem.But still, it is strange that the feature just vanished. 
    if they make the upgrade to 1030, I will reconsider the offer. :-)

  • If you asked they probably would upgrade to the 1030 (extra cost though) my mate done that when his 1000 died. On hindsight when my power button for the 1000 collapsed two years ago and I got a replacement I should have done the same (paid extra for the upgrade to the 1030)

  • But paying 220€ for another 1000, with probably the same issue is no option for me. I wonder what the cost will be for a 1030. I will ask. 
    But I think that the Garmin helpdesk agents are not very competent. They are suggesting solution which are not even possible to fulfill. ( eg. Halb133 ) And replacing the item is also a dumb solution in my opinion as this looks like a software issue and not a problem with the hardware.