Faulty distance reading with swim 2

Hi, I’ve just bought a swim 2 but it’s horribly out with distance. If it’s an ocean swim or a run it registers more than double the distance I actually do. Any thoughts on how to fix this or is the watch faulty?

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  • Hello ,

    You need to be sure that you remain still outdoor with a clear view of the sky to allow the GPS to fully acquire prior to entering the water or starting the run. If you are doing this and the report remains I would suggest reaching out to your local support team. Product Support

  • Hi, thanks for your response. I have tried that, but there still seems to be a problem. The path that I swim on the map seems more or less correct so it seems the GPS is working well but the distance recorded is still almost 3 times greater. Any other suggestions to try?

  • Did you update the software to the recent one? The original software (I guess they ship it with that) had a bug doubling the distance if there was any loss of GPS signal.

    If SW is up to date, check what percentage did you have signal loss. You can see it on speed chart, if there are long totally constant speed episodes, those are representing signal loss. In case of bad signal the watch calculates distance from the arm strokes, but doubling is very unlikely.

    The last guess is that measurement works only with freestyle stroke (and backstroke, of butterfly), with breaststroke you can forget open water swim tracking. This is a problem with the technology (physics) and not with the watch.