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Pace errors with auto rest


For my first try with the Swim2, in a 25m pool, I had an incorrect result. The 1st part was working fine, then after the rest, it started to bug and not record the pace for 2 laps. I thought at first that the watch stopped but the HR was recorded so I don't understand why there is an error in the pace. Somehow the overall distance and number of laps is correct. Can someone explain what happened? I remember having to slow down because someone was in front of me. I hope it is not the reason otherwise it would be disappointing as it happens all the time.

The 2nd issue is when I got out of the pool after my session. Then I got a peak in the pace just before I stopped the watch. It looks like for the watch I just did a very fast extra lap:

Is there a way to correct those odd values afterwards? Because it distorsts my best pace record


  • It's possible that the pace errors are caused by the auto rest feature, which might not detect the change in your swimming speed during the rest interval. As for the peak in pace after you got out of the pool, it could be caused by the GPS still tracking your movement as you walked out of the pool area. As far as I know, there's no way to correct these values afterwards, but you could try turning off the auto rest feature or using a different tracking method such as manual lap counting to avoid these issues in the future.