[REQUEST] Change GESTURE behavior on FR965 during an activity (simple time-out)

When I upgraded from the V2 to the FR965 I was confused by the way the buttons worked during an activity, almost each time I pressed a button after raising my wrist the screen when black ! I posted about that here : https://forums.garmin.com/sports-fitness/running-multisport/f/forerunner-965/397072/fr965-annoying-gesture-implementation-turns-screen-on-off-vs-venu-2-turns-screen-on-for-set-duration/1873175#1873175

So it turns out this is NORMAL behavior since the Gesture on the FR965 is more "elaborate" than on the V2, i.e. the screen goes black (or dark if you have AOD) if you flick your wrist "away" whereas on the V2 it just times out after X seconds. Fair enough for use as a smartwatch but during an activity when you're swinging your arm and pressing buttons it gets "confused" and has a random behavior.

So can we have a setting for GESTURE to simply time-out during an activity or if that adds a layer of complexity just have it time-out by default and disregard any "flick away" movements ? Thanks !