I don't want to be negative but I wonder if either the software development is outsourced or what the reason for this might be. As a software developer, I wonder what is going on, it seems that at least quality control is not efficient, are there automatic tests? I have to assume not otherwise bugs like the touchscreen being activated during activities would have never been released.
Also, the amount of seemingly non-deterministic behavior is very high for software that is developed for specific hardware. I mean I would expect that a bug takes effect on all watches with a certain configuration, if so it should be very easy to reproduce. With a lot of bugs, it seems that some experience it and some don't, this kind of indeterminism is a nightmare.
Please start prioritizing bugs over new features (that likely introduce more bugs) and if necessary refactor the whole software so that development can be efficient.
The amount of bugs (big and small) is just way too high and fixes seem to be hacky, for example, the Spotify problem (where the Garmin notifications hung in an endless loop), was fixed poorly, now when two Garmin notifications overlapped each other, Spotify starts playing after the first one ends, instead of having a counting lock/semaphore. I mean this is not a big problem. But other bugs are and it is super intransparent what is acknowledged as a bug (current lactate threshold computation for example) and when it might be fixed.
Please start prioritizing bug fixing or refactoring if necessary over new features (that will introduce more bugs).