Zone 4 run

Hi all, 

I have completed several runs lately at zone 4, zone 5, zone 2, and zone 3. All recorded as base in my Garmin 965. For example, this morning, as it is raining I have decided to use my treadmill and completed a 5km in 22 minutes, zone 4 run but recorded as base. Why is that? 

Many Thanks 

  • The watch doesn't use the zones to calculate the training effect. Only some reference values and workout values are used. The reference values are your Max HR and Rest HR. The workout values are your HR, HRV and pace data. Note that LTHR and LT pace are used to classify, in some cases, the workout benefit label ("base", "theshold", "Vo2 Max", etc).

    If you are wearing a chest strap to ensure good workout data (and reference data, since auto-detection uses workout data), I'd say the most likely suspect is your Max HR and/or Rest HR.

    If you Max HR is too high, a strong effort will appear as a much lower % of your VO2 Max.

    It could also be that your zones are off, because of LT values, if your are using %of LTHR. If your zones are too low, you may have been running in a lower zone in reality. If 22mn for a 5k felt relatively easy and you could have ran another 15mn at the same pace, this could be a sign of such an issue.

  • You don't say which Zones you are using but I assume they are HR Zones. So the previous answers stands.

    Perhaps also consider that treadmills can be inaccruate. You may have run for 22 minutes but not 5k. Treadmill inaccuracy is a complex subject but one issue most people don't consider is how the belt speeds up (or not) when both of your feet are off the ground.