Using chest heart rate on cycling not being tracked by the watch, only by third party GPS


This is problably something about my fisiology, garmin or any other wrist device doesn't work properly.

When the watch says 90BPM, I'm actually 150 on the bike. It's not garmin fault, like I said it happens with Whoop, polar, apple watch, anything.

Only CHEST heart rate works for me.

The challenge here is, when I go cycling, the GPS records the workout normally, tracking the correct chest data, all good, however when the workout is uploaded to Connect app, my hear rate and calories are not updated accoringly.

Is there anyway I can ensure the watch gets the heart rate data from my chest even if I don't have any sport activity active at the momment ? The workaround I found for this was to start an activity GYM for example to force the watch to read data fromt he chest sensor and discard the activity once I stop the workout. that works but is annoying and also consumes unecessary battery as well.

Any idea on how to rsolve it ?
