Where can i find the Description of new Software Update Fourrunner 965.
Actually me 965 have updated to v20.32 and i don‘t know what is new, new Features……?
Where can i find the Description of new Software Update Fourrunner 965.
Actually me 965 have updated to v20.32 and i don‘t know what is new, new Features……?
v20.32 Change Log
It's the top post in the forum you poasted forums.garmin.com/.../forerunner-965---software-version-20-32---live
Anyone notice the new menu-or lack or-when you stop a run? It used to show resume/save/discard etc, now it just stops on the current page for a while doing nothing before showing the menu page we all know but in huge font for some reason. Bug? Really annoying. This is what bugs me about Garmin, it's one step forward one step back, no consistency, always making something less natural and more of a pain to use.
For me the menu after stopping a run looks just like before on 20.32.