Touchscreen function frozen after 20.26 and 20.29 using AMR Tennis Tracker

I've upgraded my FR965 to 20.26 and now 20.29 and I cannot use anymore AMR tennis tracker because of frozen of touchscreen function : everything is ok in demo mode, and NOK with full version recording data => do you have a similar behavior with other apps?

  • Hi,

    I'm pretty sure that it is not related to the app, but to the latest firmware, that Garmin has released recently. In short, for some reason, the touchscreen doesn't work while recording activity. But if you run the app in the button-only mode (you can enable it in the app settings - remember to restart the app!), then the app works as expected. I don't know the other solution to solve this issue, there is only this workaround at the moment. As far as I know, it happens not only on AMR Tennis Tracker, I saw such comments for example for the Tennis Studio App - when you start the activity, you can use only buttons, touchscreen doesn't work. I hope that Garmin fixes this issue soon...

  • Same issue when I start running activity. Display goes black while running and only way to see the stats is by pressing the buttons. Annoying. 

  • I've installed the 20.31 today and the pb is still here. We never know in detail what is supposed to be fixed when a new version is proposed. I've opened a ticket of course, a long time ago and no answer except a hard reboot which, as expected, didn't have solved anything