Treadmill Stress Test HR WRONG

Software 19.18. I had been getting nagged into upgraded to 20.x, but I kept postponing it.

So, this past Thursday I did a Bruce Protocol Stress Test with EchoCardiogram (12 leads, technician, periodic BP checks, the whole nine yards).

To my credit, I lasted 15 minutes, but that's beside the point.

The technician said my heart rate was 190 at the end.

While I didn't start an activity on my watch, it apparently auto-detected a cycling activity.

I checked my watch and found my heart rate was nowhere near 190. Not even close. See attachment.

How can it be so wrong? Is it ever right?

  • If an activity is not started the amount of processing power allocated to the sensors is much less than when in an activity and is unlikely to be anywhere near accurate.

  • Yeah, but it recognized an activity and had 15 minutes to figure it out?

    And to be off so much?

    Why, after detecting an activity didn't it step up its game regarding monitoring?

    Well, it's a minor annoyance, all things considered, I guess.

    Kinda like the "negative setting" of "Display Off". To turn OFF the display, you have to turn ON "Display Off". That's a bad UX (User eXperience) that shouldn't exist anywhere, ever.