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955 (Solar) to 965: Actual experiences?

Hey there ya'll cool cats and kittens!

Current owner of a 955 Solar, who perhaps never really got to love it as I loved the 935 and 945. I think it's because of the form factor (thickness) and screen (being deeper into the watch/glass, and being more hazy with the solar).

Currently considering a 965 at a discount, so curious to hear from people in here who maybe did the same switch? What are some reflections and experiences after use for some time?

I was also considering holding for 975, but God knows when that will land, and with Fenix 8 in mind, wonder what the actual technological leap will be - the price we know about already! Joy

Looking forward to hearing from some former 955/955 Solar now 965 users.

Thank you!

  • I had a FR955 for about one year and now I have FR965 for 1.5 years. There are no significant differences between the two watches except for the screen which is nicer, crispier, larger. I think no reason to change now to 965 wait for the 975 instead. 

  • But are you enjoying the 965 more?

    I find the 955 weirdly bulky, and I don’t think I ever have gotten used to it - 1,5 years in…

    , casually looking at you here :D You are our favourite watch guy in this FR 2x5/9x5 forum. You kept the 965 and did not go back to 955 (potentially saving a buck or two); why?

  • Yes I'm really satisfied with my decision. The screen and the whole watch is so nice and comfortable that I don't know if I want to change it to the Fenix 8...Slight smileSweat smile

  • Thank you Relaxed️ 

    I’m definitely also a Forerunner guy vs. Fenix. Too big for me the Fenix. 

    Are you really feeling the difference in size and form factor with the 965 being 1.2mm slimmer?

    It‘s _about_ half the thickness of the 955 bezel. That’s quite a lot!

  • Yes definitely I can wear the 965 watch easier under my sleeve rather than 955. Slight smile

  • Thank you for the feedback, formax. Appreciate it greatly Pray tone1