Tracking Step Count through Walk Activity GPS for Stroller Walking

I understand that there is a hardware limitation for tracking steps when pushing a stroller, but shouldn’t it be possible to derive steps from a walk activity when using gps? Pushing a stroller for two kids one-handed is not possible and is frankly a safety risk. Even pushing a single-child stroller one-handed is questionable.

A practical solution would be for the tracker to use GPS data to estimate steps based on walking speed and distance rather than relying solely on wrist movements. This would accurately count steps when pushing a stroller and could even be used to calibrate the watch. This seems like it should be a built-in feature regardless of whether one is pushing a stroller or not.

Please recognize that many parents rely on these watches as well. At some point a competitor is going to wake up and make this available.

  • One solution could get low cost runpod sensor that measure step data and other running dynamics.

    Also another good idea for general health tracking... use Time, it is a great unit of measure for long term activity tracking.  you get no steps on 2hr bike ride or a hard 90minutes lifting in the gym or strong hour on a rower/pool/etc.  They all have very different units of measure... but they all have Time in common!   Some days I might only get a thousand or two steps, wow how lazy!?... cuz I was out biking for 8-hrs!!! LOL  

    Makes it so much easier to track long term and is much better for incorporating all of the things that life has.