disconnects with hrm pro plus heart rate bands

Hello good day, a few of my friends are experiencing hrm pro plus interruption problem during running at 955 forerunner , heart rate data running statistics are interrupted in their processes, these were not before 18.22 was released, it repeats continuously in the last update.


  • I have similar problems with my FR 945 with different straps (Polar H10; Garmin HRM Pro, HRM Run and HRM Dual). Every few minutes the connection is lost for 30-50 sec and then back to normal. I have tried almost everything (battery change, running with and without shirt, intensive wetting of the strap) but the problem could not be solved. I also suspected the auto lap function and/or the vibration of the watch, but it wasn't the case. With other words, no solution since years, at least for me and the FR 945.

  • So in your case it's not a 18.22 issue?

  • No, it's not related to 18.22. As I said , I have an FR 945. What I wanted to say is, there might be a similar problem with the software in the FR 965 also. Maybe you can try the things I have written and if you are lucky it will help. But it looks pretty similar (regular dropouts) to the problems it have and I tried everything i can imagine. Unfortunately, I can not say if I had the problem from the very first beginning or if it came with an update.

  • Oh, I am/was not aware if 18.22 is also available for FR 945, sorry.

    I am just curios. I have just switched from Apple Watch Ultra to FR 965. I am still on 17.26 and I the connection to my HR strap (Polar H9) is a little unstable. I do not have enough cases to say it's a bug and not my fault (too loose, too dry,...), but I am a little worried about me taking the wrong decision here, changing to Garmin. Those ongoing list of problems, especially with 18.22, but also before, bothers me...

  • Sorry, it was not my intention to scare you. You should try the options I suggested. Maybe you can also check how your H9 is connected to your FR 965 (BLE or ANT+) and try both. Unfortunately, there are a lot of things you can try, that might be important.

  • no worries. The scaring part was done by Garmin and their buggy firmware udpate. I am trying all the things - including ordering EKG Gel :)

    Currently I am using ANT+. As far as I could see connecting via BLE and ANT+ at the same time is not possible. The other one was always disconnected. Not sure, if this is a limitation of the FR or the Polar H9.

  • Yes, BLE and ANT+ at the same time is not possible. I tested a Polar H10 and there I could choose in the watch which connection I want. But in my case it made no difference, with both I had disconections.

  • I had a similar problem with FR55 and HRM DUO, then I managed to solve it this way - I put the watch on my right hand instead of my left - it helped. The main reason was the decrease in the range of the watch via BTBT/ANT+, so the smartphone also had to be kept on the right forearm for audio prompts.

  • This is most definitely related to the new 18.22/18.23 firmware. I bought a Garmin HRM Pro+ earlier this year and have used it a ton. Before 18.22, I never had a single issue and went for numerous runs in the 3-14 mile distance range. Today, after the 18.23 upgrade my HRM began frequently disconnecting during my run. It was extremely annoying, Garmin's premier running watch.. pathetic.

    You have my permission to access my GC account. The referred to run was 6 miles on 3/23/2024.

    I will try to begin restarting my watch before activities as that's what seems to be needed. 

  • Have the same issue. Tried different combos (gamin watch + garbing HRM, Garmin Warch + Polar HRM) same issue. I believe it's the watch that disconnects from the HRM every 5-7 min for me for 10 sec and get back right away.