Why release 18.22?

Why on earth would you roll out 18.22 to all watch owners when so many people who've used the beta have reported that it has massive problems, literally NONE of which have been addressed in the last month despite numerous reports?

Right now, you will crash a Forerunner 965 if you try to:

- Run more than 4.9km in a single session

- Re-order the glances page

- Add a glance to a folder

- Remove a glance from a folder

- Add one from your phone

At the same time the heart rate sensor is totally borked. It cannot even latch onto my resting heart rate before starting an activity, so there's no chance when actually running. Choosing to measure via the snapshot and HR broadcast will calculate two completely different numbers. You can leave the watch next to the bed and it'll still come up with overnight resting HR and a HRV score, which means that they've been hallucinating the data for some time.

Maps are still buggy with freak scrolling and panning. Lock on road bug not fixed despite being reported nearly a month ago. It's not possible to inhibit the dodgy optical HRM from influencing activities, so recovery index is totally out of whack.

I'm sorry to whine, and complain, but the arrogance of Garmin is spectacular in this regard. You cannot charge as much as you do for such a ropey product, and then break it with every software update. 

  • I haven't notice that and I have no way to compare it. Maybe you could shoot a video of the boot process and then we'll try to find someone who haven't upgraded yet to do the same so we can compare

  • In my workouts with 18.22 the firmware works well and does not crash:

    - for running workouts of 26km and 35km

  • Yeah, this version seems pretty bad so far.  Previous versions have been fine for me (lucky I guess), but only having 18.22 a couple of days and I've already got no gesture wake on activity when using  heart rate strap with watch over sleeves, and this morning the watch decided to lose all Bluetooth connections half way through a run then get them back about 5 mins later

    Begs the quest as to what the point of the beta programme is if the submitted issues are ignored and full release still sees the software in beta state

  • have you tried de hard reset ...keep pressing power buton 30 sec then power back on....on my side with the boot issues ..no fix

  • Yeah, that is what I do when audio stops on the watch to my phone,  and if I don't do that it remains separated (but only seems to impact audio and live track), but this is a little different.  It loses connection and all memory of the phone, but leave it alone (as I did this morning not wanting to muck around with reboots mid run) it reconnected several minutes later.  Like the Bluetooth module (and only this module not the entire watch) crashed and rebooted or something.  Very frustrating....can't look at the display on the watch because of the gesture thing, and no audio prompts or audiobook intermittently 

  • I apologize for all frustration mentioned on this thread. I will attempt to address these concerns below, but it is easiest to address individual concerns if they are posted as individual threads.

    1. , I followed the steps that you listed after my afternoon run but was unable to reproduce a crash. In this case, I request permission to reach you via email so I can gather some more information to get this reported. 
    2. Does the heart rate continue to show on the watch as well if the Wrist-Heart Rate sensor is turned off? This is another concern that we would need to gather more information about on an individual level.
    3. We are investigating the map screen automatically switching to the pan/zoom screen instead of the regular (default) navigation screen. If this is what you are experiencing, I'm happy to add you to the report. If you are seeing something else, let me know.
    4. We are aware of and are still working on a fix for the Lock On Road setting not being honored.
    5. We are aware that the change to keep the OHR lights on during activities, even with a chest-strap paired, is not allowing Gesture to work if your HR is not detected by the wrist-based sensor. As a current workaround, you will need to turn the wrist-heart rate sensor off before activities with a chest strap if you are wearing the watch over a thick sleeve.
    6. We are currently looking into reports on 18.2X of inaccurate OHR data in (mostly) running activities. We are happy to investigate and add anyone reporting inaccuracies via consent to reach out via email and view your Connect account.
    7. For Bluetooth connection issues, I recommend establishing a fresh connection between your watch and phone by following the steps from Remove and Add a Device From the Garmin Connect App. If you are still having Bluetooth issues, please reach out to Garmin Product Support directly.
    8. , I am not exactly sure what you mean by the "boot" taking longer. Does the watch now take a long time to power on? Is it in some type of boot loop?
  • We are currently looking into reports on 18.2X of inaccurate OHR data in (mostly) running activities. We are happy to investigate and add anyone reporting inaccuracies via consent to reach out via email and view your Connect account.

    This is my issue, and I reported it back in one of the beta updates. You are welcome to review in my Garmin account as well. There was no response to my beta submission. In summary, OHR often spikes early in a running activity either when starting the activity or re-starting the watch after a stop (ie water stop). It then stays at this level for .5 mi or so (variable). So, max HRs are then way off for activity as are measurements like VO2max and anything else that uses HR (ie exercise load).

    Thanks Garmin-Sierra for the detailed response above to the variety of user issues.

  • I've done two 10 km runs so far with the latest firmware and mine 965 has not crashed.

  • the boot takes longer that it was on the previsions firmware, it's slower