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Heart Rate 30+ BPM too high - Using Polar H10

I recently bought a H10 monitor in November and a FR965 and I train running with heartrate zones. On Easy runs my 965 is displaying data 40 bpm too high.  I had completed a lab VO2 test in October and use these zones for training, for example my established easy zone is 118-137 bpm and I have done several runs in this zone where I run at 5:00 - 4:50 min/km. I used lab's HR monitor for the test and my own older Polar FT1 with a T31 chest strap for training throughout Oct/Nov. As well my VT2/Lactic Threshold is approx. 156 bpm as determined by the lab test and established through training as well at a 3:45 min/km pace.

I have used the Polar H10 for a week and a half, worn correctly and fully moistened but the data is way off. I have linked the H10 to Polar Beat, Strava and my Garmin and all three give the same odd values as per below:

1- 11 Dec. Easy 8k - 5:00/km a course and effort I've run many times with the FT1/T31 and usually in the 120-130 bpm range for a 5:00 min/km run. The H10 showed ave HR 159 with max 176. After 1 min it was at 150bpm and should have been at 120bpm or less as this was a very easy run for me - no where near my VT2/Lactic Threshold. My HR definitely did not approach 176 bpm on this easy run. Recorded through Garmin 965. Double checked that the H10 was connected properly.

2- 12 Dec Easy 8km again 5:00 min/km pace same as above 157 ave and 171 max HR but actually probably 127 ave with 141 max HR based on all my previous
training with the Polar FT1/T31 and my lab fitness test.

3- 12 Dec - Ran with Polar Beat and Garmin 965 to see if there was an issue there. Easy 60 min with 3x5min at steady Zone 2 - high aerobic effort (usually a 4:45-4:15 effort and my HR stays between 137-147 bpm) have done this session in my past training recently in Sept and Oct. The H10 again gave really odd values. Polar Beat and Garmin 965 exactly the same. The H10 went straight to 140 after 30 sec of easy running then to 150 BPM by 8min into the warm up part of the set. Interval 1 20min at 5:20 min/km ave HR144 (should be 120 or less) Interval 2 5 min at 4:35 min/km 163 ave (should have been 140 ave)

Has anyone ever had similar issues? Surely my HR zones didn't shift by 30 beats after 2 weeks of recovery from my last build? I've decided to just train by pace for the moment as the HR data seems really off.  I'm also using a Stryd foot pod for the last 2 weeks and have been using it for pace and distance on the FR 965.  Also because the FR 965 thinks I'm running constant VO2 max or Threshold runs it's info its giving me regarding recovery and training readiness is way off too. Annoying.  Appreciate any ideas