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965 screen (while in run mode )in bright sunlight is unreadable

Does anyone else have this issue?  I set display settings during activity to Always on, highest brightness and Gesture on.  When the screen is "awake", it's beautiful and crystal clear. When it dims, especially in bright sun, I can't read the screen at all. I thought that if I set Gesture to on that would resolve the issue. Unfortunately,  Gesture does not work in running mode (at least on my watch).  I re-booted and re-set display settings and run settings per a Garmin phone rep.  The problem still exists and they tell me that they have no other similar issues in their system. I'm suppose to try a run tomorrow then call them back so that they can open a ticket.   Please help fellow Garmin lovers! I see that there are comments about this on this forum.  Am I not being clear regarding what my issue is?  I'll be ok going back to the 955 but would love the 965 to work! Thank you!

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  • I have exactly the same issue with my 965. After auto-dim kicks in the screen is barely (to not all all) readable in bright sunlight.

    I have currently contact with the support about that issue. They sent me a second 965 in advance to rule out an hardware issue on my particular watch. Unfortunately the new 965 behaves exactly the same as my own one. I was now ask to take a short video of both watches in bright sunlight with dimmed and undimmed screens for further analysis by the development team.

    I personally think that this is a software issue related with the algorithm calculating the auto-dim brightness. The auto-dim brightness level for maximum ambient light seems too low.

  • My gesture works great during a trail run activity, and I have it set at lowest brightness but do see it brighten almost instantly

  • i use the gestures to make the screen brighter during my run and it works fine.

  • The problem with gestures is that you can't make them time-specific.  On previous MIP-screen watches, you could set the backlight (same principle as auto-dim on AMOLED) to work differently after sunset.  I can see my 965 screen perfectly fine after sunset even when auto-dimmed, so I do not need the gesture after sunset.  However, during the day, the gesture would be nice to have.  Unfortunately there is only one setting for you have to either take the battery hit by having gestures on all the time, or you have to squint to see the screen in the daytime.

  • Check out a similar thread from a few months ago: Screen often dimming, sometimes completely black

    My response is still accurate at this time: If your screen's display is auto-dimming to the point where it appears nearly black while outside, please continue reaching out to Garmin Product Support directly. We are still investigating this disruption with high priority. Thank you for your patience and cooperation!

    I am locking this since we already have a main thread regarding this topic.