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Anaerobic workouts shown as tempo in exercise load

I did an anaerobic workout as a daily suggestion.  3x.  4x40 seconds at 6m10 a mile. 

This sounded about right, I ended up doing it at around 5m45 a mile.  There was a 3 minute rest between each rep at 10 mins a mile or so.  

All went well, however, the workout shows as tempo in the exercise load in training status.  Is this because the daily workout wasn’t hard enough (certainly felt hard) or it’s incorrectly categorised it.  

I was wearing a garmin dual hr strap and the data looks good, peaks in all the right places.  Rests at around 125 and repeats at around 170.  

This is a pain as these workouts are making my anaerobic lower and my high aerobic higher.  This then skews the data for the daily workouts in favour of anaerobic.  

Update 1 
Randomly it’s suggested the same workout tomorrow. I will try it again and see what happens.  This time it wants me to do it a little faster though. 

update 2. 

As no one has commented, I have found the issue.  It appears that I may be getting high aerobic credits for the rests between sets.  

either garmin has these too fast or I’m running faster than I should.  

  • Hi
    A little in the same style I would be very interested to know why Garmin Connect modifies the Trainig Effect after synchronization with the watch (965)...
    For example after a sprint session (2*10"r3'/3*15"r3'/2*10"r3'), Training Effect before synchronization is 3,5/3,4 and after is 3,7/0,6! Thank you for your lights Relieved
    NB: I use an HRM-Pro

  • Well that’s odd.  I will look out for it.  Can’t say I have seen it happen. 

  • Try walking between  efforts rather than jog.

  • why Garmin Connect modifies the Trainig Effect after synchronization with the watch (965)...

    A change in HR Max could be the reason for the watch to change the EPOC estimation. Another candidate is Resting HR, but it is less likely to happen after a workout.

    Check whether the HR Max value has changed and make sure the value is correct. Disable HR Max auto-detection: although the watch is supposed to filter data aberrations, it is still prone to take into account bad HR data in my experience.

  • Why ? On this training I have to perform an active recovery. My question is to understand why the training effect is modified after synchronization with Garmin Connect.

  • yeah, it is clearly a bug. On monday, my Load Ratio was above 2 - and it results to "Maintaining". 

    Really? Load Ratio 2 and maintaining??? Are you kiddin' me?

    But after doing a very light exercise, it immediately went to "Overreaching" - rightly so.

    Garmins are buggy, just live with it :)

  • Just noticed that I can monitor the aerobic and anaerobic levels in real time throughout the workout. Should be interesting

  • How is that?  A data field?

  • I can monitor the aerobic and anaerobic levels in real time throughout the workout. Should be interesting

    Real time is OK for the aerobic component. You will find that the anaerobic component is more jumpy typically when you finish an intense bout/interval and switch to a rest period.

  • i think you are right about rest, Garmin mandates pace as a jog but a walk may be better.  I’m a stickler for execution score though

    So today my daily suggestion for an upcoming 5K was an anaerobic workout. Because I am currently in a hot and humid weather, I decided I would:

    - run the warmup, rest and cool-down intervals with a 2mn run on or below target followed by a 30s walk

    - run the anaerobic interval to the upper limit of the target range

    - follow the anaerobic interval with a 30s walk (30s is about the time the watch will take to alert you of an out-of-range, too slow pace

    With this I kept an anaerobic training effect with a 62% execution score. So pretty good despite mocking the execution score rules quite a bit.

     Note that the stamina curve looks just right for an anaerobic workout