Does anyone have any experience using both Training Readiness and the Daily Suggestions generated by the Race Day Widget?
I've been tracking Training Readiness pretty consistently (wearing my watch 24/7). A few weeks ago I started following the Daily Suggestions based on the Race Day Widget with two fall marathons scheduled in the calendar.
I'm starting to find that there's little correlation between what Training Readiness reports and the workouts suggested by the Race Day Widget. I was under the impression that the workouts suggested by the Race Day Widget were using Firstbeat metrics, especially after reading this from the Garmin blog –
"[Y]our daily workout suggestions — tailored specifically to you using data from Firstbeat Analytics — and training load targets will continue to adjust to prepare you for the big day"
And I know I can override suggestions based on how I feel, but I'm curious to know others' thoughts on and /experiences with these features. Some of the comments on Reddit were pretty positive, which is what prompted me to give the Race Day Widget suggested workouts a try this summer.