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Heart Rate Bug, Rapid rise

Since version 4.19 I have the following heart rate problem every other run. The watch always sits snugly and correctly on the wrist. 

Anyone have similar problems?

  • I have had this problem for quite a while: first with the 955 and now with the 965. It's made the analytics useless since all of the data related to heart rate is out of sync.  I have done multiple things: stop the run and save to "resume later" to stiopping and deleting the activity.  Please fix this.  Frankly, I have had the watch replaced a few times BUT it's obviously a bigger issue. thanks. so much. 

  • Yes

    Since firmware 16.x I have issues with spiking or excessive high heart rate. Up to 201 altough my max hr is 186.

    Also the max hr auto detection is not working any longer. It comes up with values around 10 beats higher than expected.

    With firmware 4.x and previous 955, 745 watches OHR was relieable and pretty accurate for my runs.

    If technically feasible please provide a config setting in the watch to allow the users to use the old 4.x algorithm as an interim solution 

  • yes.  having similar issues- even with latest firmware 17.18 and 17.21 (WRH 14.00.06, Sensor Hub 27.18)

  • Same problem. Only started happening very recently. Garmin, what's going on?

  • Since a few days, I'm having this exact same issue. I'm including two graphs as an example.

    In the first one, my HR shot up to 201 bpm. I had to stop the activity, take the watch off for a few minutes, and resume in order for my HR to be read normally again.

    In the second one, I never noticed my HR shot up unexpectedly, only noticed in the data afterwards. The mere fact that the graph could have resumed in an even trend below the measured bump clearly indicates it's a reading/algorithm issue.

    The problem is not the misreading in itself, if it would only occur from time to time that is. The bigger problem is that a lot of long-term metrics have now been impacted: auto-max HR has erroneously changed to 201 bpm, training readiness and recovery time have been erroneously impacted, aerobic/anaerobic load have been erroneously impacted, daily suggested workouts are screwed up... the list is endless.

    Is there any temporary fix as to label certain workouts such that they are not taken into account for these metrics? I.e. without deleting them and thus losing mileage?

  • I have the same problem with my 965, will appreciate an update how to fix it