Anyone having issues downloading the Topoactive Europe map on your 965? Both from watch via Wi-Fi and with Garmin Express on Windows, requests map update data indefinitely or fails, respectively. Problem with the server maybe?
Anyone having issues downloading the Topoactive Europe map on your 965? Both from watch via Wi-Fi and with Garmin Express on Windows, requests map update data indefinitely or fails, respectively. Problem with the server maybe?
I do have a different issue but similar. I got the 965 few days ago - after the firmware was upgraded to 3.58 the pre-installed map did not work for me (the map did not show any details of my location…
So last night I managed to install the Topoactive Europe 2022.11 map using Garmin Express and my pc (before it would fail at 50%).
Now I have the same problem as others with the 'Update available' prompt…