Has the current time with seconds been removed from the data fields? I had this on the FR745, has it been removed?
Thank you in advance for your help and any advice.
Has the current time with seconds been removed from the data fields? I had this on the FR745, has it been removed?
Thank you in advance for your help and any advice.
I don't think of time of day with seconds is available on FR955 (I have an FR955 myself).
I do have a Connect IQ data field which can be configured to display what you want - it's called AppBuilder 5.
In AppBuilder 5, use the following settings for...
...24-hour clock:
- Label: Time of Day (or whatever you want)
- Formula:
if (timeofday lt 3600, '0:' + timeofday, timeofday)
- Format: Time (seconds to [hh]:mm:ss)
Note: in the above formula, ' is a straight single quote. If you're manually typing the formula on your phone, you need to long-press the apostrophe key and select the straight single quote character [*]
EDIT: I changed the prefix from “00:” to “0:” to make it consistent with how times from 1:00:00 to 9:59:59 will be displayed (with 1 digit for the hour value)
...12-hour clock:
- Label: Time of Day (or whatever you want)
- Formula:
if (timeofday lt 3600, timeofday + 43200, if (timeofday gte 46800, timeofday - 43200, timeofday))
- Format: Time (seconds to [hh]:mm:ss)
Note: AM/PM is omitted, just like the built-in time of day field, as adding letters to the data field value will cause the font to be a lot smaller
[*] In either case, it's probably easier if you paste the formula into a note on your phone and copy-paste it into the Appbuilder 5 settings in the Connect IQ phone app, rather than trying to type it manually. Or just directly copy-paste it from this page.
In the above settings, Formula (which determines the data field value) is the only setting that needs to be copy-pasted or typed exactly. Label is just the text of your choice to be displayed as the data field label, and Format is a drop-down.
It's as if you wrote in ancient Greek!!
It's as if you wrote in ancient Greek!!
haha yeah it's not the most user-friendly 3rd-party app, due its flexibility. It's basically "excel for your garmin watch" — a little programming language for your garmin which lets you code a custom data field without actually building and releasing an app to the store.
It's as if you wrote in ancient Greek!!
Not that you asked, but I can actually explain all of it
- the formula determines what value will be displayed by the data field (kinda like a formula in excel)
- the format displays how the value will be formatted for display. In this case, “Time (seconds to [hh]:mm:ss)” takes a value in seconds and formats it as hours (when applicable), minutes and seconds. e.g. 615 seconds would be displayed as “10:15”
In the formula:
- timeofday is a variable which represents the time of day in seconds since midnight. AppBuilder has its own set of variables which correspond to various data available to data fields, such as heart rate, cadence, and time of day
- lt means “less than” [usually represented as “<“, but a long time ago, this character couldn’t be used in a CIQ app settting]
- gte means “greater than or equal to” (or “>=“)
- if (condition, trueValue, falseValue) - an if expression takes a condition as its first argument, and returns the 2nd argument if the condition is true, or the 3rd argument if the condition is false
- The 24-hour clock formula says: if the time of day is less than 1 AM / 1:00:00 [3600 seconds since midnight], return the value [which is formatted in [hh]:mm:ss] with a prefix of “0:”. This is necessary because the [hh]:mm:ss format won’t display hours if the hours component is 0. If the time of day is greater or equal to 1:00:00, just return the value (which is formatted in [hh]:mm:ss).
- The 12-hour clock formula is similar except all times between 0:00:00 / 12 AM and 0:59:59 / 12:59:59 AM are displayed as 12:xx:xx [by adding 12 hours], and all times greater or equal to 13:00:00 (1 PM) are displayed as 1:00:00 to 11:59:59 [by subtracting 12 hours]
Yeah, it would’ve been a lot easier if I had just added a “time of day” format to the app. I’m always reluctant to add new features bc it increases memory usage, which means certain complex formulas could fail on older devices.
It also would’ve been easier for the end user if there was just a dedicated app to display time of day with seconds. But this is easier for me (the dev), as I don’t have to write, test and release a new app to the store. There’s a ton of “little” apps that can be implemented in AppBuilder 5 which probably aren’t worth the trouble of releasing to the store imo, especially when it’s something specific that only 1 or 2 people want
Note: for the 24-hour clock formula, I changed the prefix from “00:” to “0:” to make it consistent with how times from 1:00:00 to 9:59:59 will be displayed (with 1 digit for the hour)
In this case it's more like Sumerian base 60 ;-)