Downloading and updating maps

I recently bought a Forerunner 955, which I am generally very happy with, but updating and installing maps seems highly unreliable. This is my experience - is it typical?

  • Watch came with Europe map installed. According to the graphic on the watch, this map covers the whole of Europe and is around 12GB in size.
  • Watch says this map needs updating.
  • I queue the update, and later attach the watch to the charger. The map slowly updates via wifi... After 4h30, it's at 95%, and then the next time I check it's gone back to the watch face. The map manager indicates that an update is still required, but attempting to update repeatedly produces the error "Map sync failed". I conclude it has failed, give up and go to bed.
  • Next day, I download and install Garmin Express on my Windows laptop, and attach the watch. It is not recognised. After a reboot of the laptop and the watch, and several rounds of unplugging and reattaching, Express finally recognises the watch.
  • Express claims the Europe map needs updating. I successfully update it (and a couple of smaller golf/other maps that were installed) and install the "Middle America" map which I'll need for an upcoming trip! I am surprised to see that the watch has more free storage than before I started this process.
  • On examination, Express shows the watch has only Middle America and *Western* Europe maps installed. The watch itself claims to have Europe and North America maps installed, and also claims they need updating even though they were installed only minutes earlier. I choose the ignore this last point.
  • I successfully install the Central Europe map via Express.
  • I try to install the Eastern Europe map via Express. This appears to work, but then Express does not list Eastern Europe as installed, and panning to eastern Europe on the watch shows that indeed the data isn't present. I try installing several more times, which produces some error messages and some silent failures, and eventually manage to download and install Eastern Europe, and verify that it really is present.
  • So finally I have, as far as I can tell, the whole of Europe (3 maps), and Middle America maps installed on the watch, after a good two hours of fighting with the watch and Express. Express confirms that four maps are installed - Western, Central and Eastern Europe, and Middle America.
  • The watch itself claims that two maps - "Europe" and "North America" are installed and both need updating. I am going to ignore that. I can indeed zoom into these areas and see street level detail.

The watch is on the latest firmware 21.19. Is this a typical experience? I am concerned about just how long and unreliable the process was, and how the update via Express silently removed data for Central and Eastern Europe, while the watch still claimed to have maps for the whole of Europe installed. I wouldn't use the watch as my only source of mapping data, but this could be a safety issue if you're relying on the watch as a backup, and it turns out not to have maps installed for a region despite claiming in the watch UI that it does.

  • I had a similar frustrating experience as a North American user. the only saving grace is that I have a very fast internet connection.

    but to answer your question: this is a first for me in having problems with maps and updates on my 955 and 945LTE.

  • this and many other bugs you can read about in the 955 and Fenix 7 forums. Garmin software is a mess

  • I can confirm that the watch itself still says maps need an update after installing the lastest version via garmin express.

    I have the assumtion the isses here were introduced when splitting the europe map. Earlier AFAIK is was one map for europe. I think there is not everything cleaned up yet, causing the trouble.

  • That seems plausible. I also wonder if it leads to problems when there are different devices with different versions of maps on the same Garmin Account. After I synced (Express) my newly bought FR955 (came with split maps) I could not update the maps on my Fenix 6, Express listed only 1 map for the Fenix 6X (Europe East, while I need Europe West). This broke the old Europe-as-a-whole map on the 6X.

  • I don't think I've ever managed to successfully update maps over home wifi. Always seems to want multiple days to complete.
    Updating over Express usually works, but why does it always end by asking me to disconnect/reconnect - makes me feel less than confident about Garmin software.
    Oh... and today i plugged into Express, saw there was a map update for most of the maps i had installed, so went for it. The usual "7hr estimate" that rapidly turned into sub 1hr.  but at the end of the process, after various disconnects and resets (while i was browsing elsewhere) i noticed that while i had a shiny new map of Australia and Newzealand (and Central America), I'd lost all my Europe and USA maps...
    Firmware 21.20 btw (which seems to be about twice as battery hungry as previous versions)

  • Regarding your battery..  Have you tried to turn off the watch, wait an minute and then turn it on again?

    Secondly - I most cases the battery problem seems to be related to a watchface. Are you using a stock watchface?

    When maps are taking ages and never finalizes... then i most cases it is due to running out af "space" on the watch. You could copy the map-image files to a folder on your desktop folder and then delete the files on the watch and retry again. At least that solved my issue a bit more than a year ago