955 Heart Rate Issue - Does it happen on other models?

I want to move on from the 955.  I am sick of the heart rate issue.

The issue I am referring to is the one where you start a run and the watch shows your heart rate as abnormally low for 10-15 minutes and then suddenly locks on to your actual heart rate.  I have had the problem for about a year and I have read the threads about the heart rate issue on the 955.  I read them last winter when it was happening all the time and it is still happening. 

This morning I went for a brisk 10k with a friend, and my 955 didn't lock onto my actual heart rate until 3.5 miles into the run.  Its insane.. it showed my heart rate was floating around from 118-120, then suddenly kicked up to 160, which is where it was for most of the run.  I'm so sick of this.. its been almost a year of dealing with it and the data from my run this morning is all screwed up which means the data getting analyzed is all screwed up. 

I have been in touch with garmin support and they sent me a new watch and it has the same issue if not worse.  Every software update is going to be one to fix it and it never does. 

Does anyone know if this problem is exclusive to the 955/965 watches or does it go beyond this?  I am potentially interested in fenix 7 pro but only if I can be done with this software problem. 

I cant seem to get an image to load in this text editor, but here is a screen cap of my heart rate for my 10k today: https://imgur.com/fH7OgSa