20.29 inaccurate current pace glitch

Since 20.29 update the current pace feedback is glitchy. Possibly due to GPS issues- e.g. watch  records 1km on 100m stretch, but also gives feedback on the current pace which changes from 3:20m/km to 9:15m/km when running. The end of a split feedback seems accurate, but not helpful if I can't figure out what's my pace in a given moment

  • Have the same issue. GPS signal takes way longer to catch before starting an activity. So does battery drain quicker.

  • To speed up getting a GPS lock, synchronise with the app at most an hour before your activity. This means the watch will have the correct ephemera localised for your location.

    Also, with the current strained state of international relations there are regions of the world where active GPS jamming is going on, and this will affect the watch if you're in one of those regions.

    Do the GPS tracks look accurate when you look at them after completing the activity?

  • Typically I've found that a green GPS ring doesn't necessarily indicate a true GPS lock, especially if you're around tall buildings. A lot of times I'll see the green ring, but my pace is changing wildly (and/or showing crazy values like 1:00/km) even though I'm standing still.

    Personally I wait for the green ring, then I wait for the pace to settle down to 0:00. If I only wait for the green ring, I've def seen cases with unrealistic paces and extra distance at the beginning of the run (nothing as dramatic as 1 km recorded for 100 m though.)