Audio prompts have a chance of completely freezing android phone since 20.29

After firmware update to 20.29 during activity sometimes audio prompt will get stuck in a loop (e.g. "Turn right" repeating forever). On top of that, my phone will go into semi-frozen state - only able to access lock screen. Unlock or restart attempts are ignored, until phone restarts.

Not seeing this issue in the forums, is making me think that the issue might be somehow isolated to me?

For additional context - headphones are connected to the phone, not watch directly. Also on phone lock screen I can see "play/pause" button constantly changing state on spotify, so it just seems that the watch is constantly just replaying that prompt?

  • I experience the same, but on 20.26. See my post from yesterday. Also with BT headphones/Spotify and semi-freezing. Except I can kill Spotify app, and continue with the activity. Switching Spotify on again, and the error occurs again. Had a 2,5 hour run without Spotify :-(

  • This is getting ridiculous, happened to me too, 1K alert stuck in a loop ""  etc, you get the idea. Exact same thing on my phone screen, spotify play/pause symbol flashed between both, I had to open phone and clear spotify, then the message "do you want to track back where you phone last connected" appeared on screen. Had to clear spotify a couple of times but thankfully the phone disconnect message only appeared the once.  

    I had noticed last week that during a run, pace alerts and distance alerts paused spotify, clicking on earphones (shokz) didn't restart podcast, I had to open phone and restart it via the spotify app.

    So my 955 currently has the elevation issue, primary race disappearing from my watch and now a spotify issue too. 

  • Which version of firmware do you have installed? I noticed Spotify had an update the day before yesterday on my phone, so maybe it is a Spotify thing, instead of Garmin? Can you check the version of Spotify also?

  • version last update 19/09/2024

  • and fw 20.26, 20.29 or something before that? The Spotify version is the same I have...

  • My watch firmware is 20.29, crazy how glitchy the 955 is currently.

  • So it is still unknown what causes this. When I think of it, the problem exists on the phone and not the watch, so it is not the fw-update. Both audio prompts and Spotify audio are generated by the phone, and not the watch. It could be Spotify which interferes with the audio prompts, or it is something in the Connect app which triggers the errors. I'll bet it is Spotify, because that is the app which updated recently (only a few days ago). The Connect app updated a long time ago.

  • Will listen to an Audio Book on my run tomorrow and see if it happens.

  • This is happening to me, too, and started right after I updated to 20.29. So frustrating!

  • If, on an activity, I get no audio prompts through the Android phone, often on the next activity all the audio prompts that should have played on the previous activity get played one after another, until they're all played out. This can continue for quite some time!

    Then the prompts for the current activity will be played as normal.

    I'm not sure if it's the watch firmware version (20.29) or the Connect app version (5.5). Phone is a Google Pixel 7a running Android 14 (with Sept 2024 security updates).

    It happens whether or not I have any headphones connected to the phone, and whether or not I have any other audio playing on the phone.

    I saw the same behaviour on 20.26.