Run workout pace gauge

There are many closed discussions on this but I can’t find any answer from Garmin.

I know I can change or add activity screens to my run workouts but none of the options allow me to add a “lap pace gauge”. Previous FR945 has this as standard on the structured run workout screen (not talking about the normal run activity), but on the FR955 the main screen gauge shows “current pace”, which is quite annoying and much harder to average the correct pace for the lap.

Yes I know that other screens have the “average lap pace” in one of the fields but much harder to keep looking (and remembering the window pace) when you are running. 

Does anyone know if there are any solution now or any upcoming updates? 

Top Replies

  • I am not sure if I understand your problem.

    OP said that on the 945, the workout pace gauge reflected lap pace (which is what they want), whereas on the 955, the workout pace gauge reflects…

All Replies

  • I am not sure if I understand your problem.

    To have gauge visible, you have to define your target pace. Or HR zone. Your Watch needs to know when it will be too slow or too fast.

    To have that you need either follow DSW, Garmin Coach suggestions which makes this for you, or you have to create Workout with Target Pace.

    When you have that done "Lap Pace Gauge" will be visible as your first screen.

    There is another possibility, but that requires more work. You can define Course which you will run, and add PacePro to it. But again you will have to start your workout and select you want to follow that PacePro strategy, otherwise watch do not know what is your "target" pace

    Is that make sense to you?

  • I am not sure if I understand your problem.

    OP said that on the 945, the workout pace gauge reflected lap pace (which is what they want), whereas on the 955, the workout pace gauge reflects current pace (which is not what they want.) In other words, they want to use lap pace for their workouts, not current pace.

    They went on to say that they're aware they can add the lap pace as a data field on another screen, but that's not a suitable substitute for them, because they have to switch screens and because they have to memorize the pace range for the current workout step to compare it with their lap pace.

    IMO Garmin will never make this an option (which is what most people who post about this probably want.) It seems to be a pretty common pattern where Garmin will make a change to some long-standing behavior (possibly due to complaints), but the new behavior will only generate additional complaints from people who liked it the old way. When this happens, Garmin rarely allows users to choose between the new and old behavior.

    Another example is how, when a workout was active, Garmin used to end (or pause) the activity when the workout ends. Many ppl complained about this, so Garmin changed the behavior so the activity keeps going when the workout ends. Ofc ppl have complained about that too, but Garmin hasn't shown any signs of making this behavior an option. (Tbh I kinda get it)

  • OP said that on the 945, the workout pace gauge reflected lap pace (which is what they want), whereas on the 955, the workout pace gauge reflects current pace (which is not what they want.) In other words, they want to use lap pace for their workouts, not current pace.

    Do you mean by Lap pace - average since beginning of current Lap?

  • Do you mean by Lap pace - average since beginning of current Lap?

    Yes. I don't think it should be a controversial or ambiguous term, since Garmin literally has a built-in data field called "Lap Pace" which is just that.

    But to be absolutely clear, I should've probably said average pace for the current workout interval, since if auto-lap is enabled, the average pace for the current interval is not necessarily the same as the average pace for the current lap. (But when people say they want to see "lap pace" for the workout gauge, that's what I understand them to mean.)