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Broadcasting Questions

I just got a Concept2 Rowerg with PM5 unit and had a few questions about broadcasting, which I’m unfamiliar with.

  • Two devices show up on the PM5 unit when I set-up a broadcasting connection. One is Forerunner and the other is ANT+[id]. Why two? I would have assumed that the Forerunner option was a BT connection but I’m sure broadcasting only works over ANT+?
  • If I wear a HRM Pro Plus chest trap connected to the watch, will this be broadcasted? (Source switching off)
  • If I use a smart trainer connection (FE-C) which does work and receives the work out data, I would also need to connect HRM to the unit to display HR. Will this data also be sent to the watch - given HRM is also connected to the watch directly? I’m concerned about duplicate or competing data.


  • Hi B1nny,

    coming back to your original description of the setup, I want to share what I do (spoiler: I don‘t use broadcast from the watch).

    I also have a Concept2 with PM5, a Forerunner 955 and a HRM Dual strap (also HRM Pro, but only use it for running).

    The HRM Dual is of course paired as a sensor with my FR 955. (ANT+)
    I also paired the PM5 with the FR955 (go to pairing menu on PM5, then search for all sensors on the FR 955, will be paired as Rower/Powermeter) (ANT+)
    Those two will be remembered.

    Then, before I start a rowing session, every time (!) I go to pairing menu on PM5, select HRM, then chose „HRM Dual xxx…..“. If another „ANT…“ is displayed, I ignore it.

    Then go to training and start indoor rowing activity on the FR 955. HRM and Rower will be detected instantly.
    - HRM Dual sends heartrate to PM5 and FR955 simultaneously
    - PM5 sends power data, speed, distance… to the FR955
    - all via ANT+

    Works great for me, never had issues with this setup, great data for indoor rowing activities and heartrate is displayed on PM5.

  • Thank you, this is really helpful and what I was trying to understand. Broadcasting definitely doesn't seem to be the way to go as it's really unnecessary when using a HRM but at least it will work well for anyone relying on WHR alone!

    I've further complicated the set-up by connecting the Concept2 ERGdata iPhone app to the PM5 via Bluetooth. The main reason being that this way the HRM is remembered and doesn't need connected every time. In saying that I've not found the additional data screens terribly useful and it makes trying to watch anything else on my phone more awkward. No doubt I will ditch this additional integration and live with connecting the HRM each time.