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Suggestion for Daily Suggestion


I am writing to suggest a small improvement to the daily training suggestions feature. I find this function very useful, but I would like to be able to customize the suggestions for myself.

Specifically, I would like to see three options to choose from:

1. less recovery = earlier more intense sessions if necessary or the required performance at the "faster" end.

2. standard

3. more recovery = more rest between sessions or more intensive sessions later.

I think the function is really great, but I don't get enough rest, so I always take at least one day's rest, regardless of whether the suggestion contains a training session or not.

Last year I was injured twice and I only trained according to suggestions, which was just too much for me

I hope you will consider my suggestion.

Thank you very much for your time.

Yours sincerely


  • There is Garmin web page for submitting suggestions:

  • Hello,

    I have already done that, but I thought twice is better Relaxed

  • If you know already what you like to do why would you still follow DSW?

    Based on daily suggestion you can quickly create your personalized workout or even have ad-hoc Intervals 

  • Because I don't have the impression that the DSW react as dynamically as they could to a skipped workout. Why should I skip an intense workout and do an easier one the next day, it doesn't make sense to me.

    I think if I get a lighter one planned in advance it might make more sense overall

  • First of all, DWS will not make a Champion. More likely maintain your fitness. If you will miss one training you will not loose that much.

    Second, I think you are wrong with that assumption - dynamic reaction. You might have seen my post few days ago, that DSW was suggesting me for several days in a row Recovery runs only. Even if I have seen in two or three days ahead Tempo or Threshold runs. I still have no definitive answer why it has been changed in the morning, but guess it was due to extreme heats outside.

    Why you would skip intense (any workout)? I have to skip them on days when I have to travel several long hours and land in another Time Zone. Is it good enough excuse not to do intervals after dark in unknow place in a Winter and blizzard and no gym in hotel? For me yes, but I know that in advance and can create "copy" of that workout.

    And for the record. The same logic apply for me for Coached Plans

  • Because, as I wrote above, my body doesn't get enough rest and I injure myself. That's why I prefer to do a little less but more often and still improve.

    I bought the watch because of this, as it is supposed to react dynamically and it works well enough. But I think being able to adjust it would improve it.

    An 18 year old can cope with the training much better than a 60 year old

  • Yes I agree with this. The idea is that we want this very smart watch to tailor suggestions to the needs or goal of the user. I don't think this would be terribly hard to implement either.

    Taking it a step further, I recently decided to focus solely on base building. It's a no brainer that the watch should tailor training status and DSW accordingly so I can focus and improve in this area. Instead, it tracks and suggests to fulfil all load focus category targets (Low aerobic, High aerobic, Anaerobic).

    I'd love to spec this out. Basically, the user could use goal based sliding scales to tailor the training status and DSW accordingly. Parameters could include;

    • Workout volume
    • Recovery needs
    • Load focus
  • Yes, it could look like this, for example.

    Because even just doing a basic workout can have different intensities in duration depending on your condition.

  • Maybe silly question. When and how often you would like to specify those parameters?

    Why not just setup Event in your calendar with specific time goal and have harder or easier workouts?

    Have you tried that?

  • @pdurys, I don't think you understand what this is about. Yes, I have an event running, but it doesn't matter whether it has a time target or not. The DSW always want an improvement. I just want to be able to set how fast I want to get there. No more and no less. I would like to improve the system and not work around it