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VO2 Max calculation issue

Any idea what is wrong with the calculation method ?

How it can be possible for me to have this rate ?

I used to have 52-54, and now I would say less than 50 as I didn't run in April and May for injurie.

It is like my indoor bike session mess it up.

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  • Is there a possibility that the power meter is not correctly set up and is doubling the power unecessarily? 

    Another possibility is that the weight has not been entered correctly in the user profile... Maybe the weight is simply off, or it is expressed in pounds instead of kilos.

    I am looking for a reason why the VO2 Max could be doubled....

  • Another possibility is that the weight has not been entered correctly in the user profile... Maybe the weight is simply off, or it is expressed in pounds instead of kilos.

    If that were the case, then either:

    - OP has coincidentally made a huge weight input error at precisely the same time that they stopped running and started cycling. (This is assuming that weight plays a roughly equal role in estimating running and cycling VO2 Max, and that role is significant enough to cause the type of apparent error shown in the OP.)


    - OP's weight has always been off by a large margin, and weight plays a very large role in estimating cycling vo2max but not in estimating running vo2max (in this case, weight must play little or no role.)

    I happen to think that running VO2 max can be estimated without knowing the user's weight (although I'm personally unsure whether the Garmin/Firstbeat method actually uses weight or not), but we've had that discussion elsewhere. I know nothing about cycling, except that afaik at least power and HR are used to estimate VO2 Max, so I can't say anything about that.

    There are still two separate issues here:

    1) why is cycling VO2 max seemingly calculated incorrectly?

    2) is the behavior of "VO2 Max" (whether you interpret that as running VO2 max or "dominant VO2 Max (either running or cycling)") desirable from the end user's POV?

    If the answer to 2) was "yes" (in all cases) then this thread wouldn't exist.

    In the cases that the answer to 2) is "no", then the answer to 1) is irrelevant.

    Someone who primarily runs may not care about their cycling VO2 max, or they may care about their running VO2 max even in the cases that it's not the "best" VO2 Max.

    If Garmin is either "switching the source of the dominant VO2 Max to cycling" (as you say), or "using cycling vo2 max to influence the value of running vo2 max" (as I say), either way the user has lost information about their running VO2 Max.

  • As you can see, my April report values seem correct.

    Type d'activité Date Titre Distance Durée Fréquence cardiaque moyenne Ascension totale Descente totale Cadence de vélo moyenne Normalized Power® (NP®) Training Stress Score® (TSS®) Puissance moy. Puissance max.
    Cyclisme virtuel 01.04.2024 13:15 ROUVY - Pacific coast through Malibu | California | USA 6248 01:35:27 147 448 369 98 336 1650 335 421
    Cyclisme virtuel 05.04.2024 14:45 ROUVY - Sella Ronda | Italy 5058 01:54:44 132 1.704 1.683 88 336 1880 330 452
    Cyclisme virtuel 07.04.2024 15:44 ROUVY - Challenge Kaiserwinkl-Walchsee | Austria 42km 4238 01:09:27 129 600 513 93 345 1200 340 485
    Cyclisme virtuel 08.04.2024 14:00 ROUVY - San Bernardino | Switzerland 4207 01:41:50 126 1.360 87 88 327 1590 325 413
    Cyclisme virtuel 09.04.2024 14:09 ROUVY - TDF 2016 S17 Finhaut-Emosson 3600 02:15:02 119 2.161 475 80 301 1790 294 397
    Cyclisme virtuel 10.04.2024 14:25 ROUVY - Ramp up to the hill | Climber's plan 2620 01:08:30 102 577 561 78 239 570 223 519
    Cyclisme virtuel 11.04.2024 12:35 ROUVY - Tempo Hills | Climber's plan 1638 01:10:30 96 864 -- 81 249 640 227 498
    Cyclisme virtuel 12.04.2024 10:59 ROUVY - Steady Eddie | Climber's plan 1574 01:00:00 107 786 767 79 263 610 252 325
    Cyclisme virtuel 13.04.2024 11:18 ROUVY - Roupy to Busigny | France 3875 01:06:53 111 425 302 85 274 730 270 482
    Cyclisme virtuel 14.04.2024 11:16 ROUVY - Eys to Vilt | Netherlands 2700 00:49:02 126 446 396 88 314 700 311 467
    Cyclisme virtuel 14.04.2024 13:09 ROUVY - Vincourt to Gruson | France 3445 00:53:12 130 187 126 89 310 750 307 391
    Cyclisme virtuel 15.04.2024 10:52 ROUVY - Ramp up to the hill | Climber's plan 2606 01:09:51 98 576 562 79 237 560 221 551
    Cyclisme virtuel 15.04.2024 14:27 ROUVY - Grand Halleux to Cour | Belgium 2610 00:58:37 131 833 738 86 319 870 316 387
    Cyclisme virtuel 16.04.2024 09:44 ROUVY - Tempo Endurance | Climber's plan 2646 01:27:03 101 733 1.053 87 237 570 220 388
    Cyclisme virtuel 16.04.2024 14:06 ROUVY - Liege from Adrimont | Belgium 5415 01:38:08 131 1.045 1.022 89 327 1530 321 519
    Cyclisme virtuel 17.04.2024 08:33 ROUVY - Ovada to Arenzano | Italy 4292 01:11:22 114 476 576 85 288 860 285 356
    Cyclisme virtuel 18.04.2024 10:32 ROUVY - Torque Enhancer | Climber's plan 1100 00:42:00 106 476 78 78 235 340 217 458
    Cyclisme virtuel 18.04.2024 13:51 ROUVY - Challenge Sanremo | Italy 45 km 4520 01:21:25 131 718 358 90 328 1280 324 556
    Cyclisme virtuel 19.04.2024 09:39 ROUVY - Ramp up to the hill | Climber's plan 2611 01:08:30 100 576 563 81 236 560 221 525
    Cyclisme virtuel 19.04.2024 12:35 ROUVY - Challenge Kaiserwinkl-Walchsee | Austria 42km 4238 01:10:00 135 600 514 91 333 1130 329 485
    Cyclisme virtuel 20.04.2024 12:41 ROUVY - Tour of the Alps 2024 | Stage 5 - Levico Terme 3860 01:21:23 129 1.070 1.145 85 324 1250 317 452
    Cyclisme virtuel 22.04.2024 10:54 ROUVY - Attack to the climb | Climber's plan 2545 01:04:00 100 579 233 89 253 600 220 635
    Cyclisme virtuel 22.04.2024 15:59 ROUVY - Challenge Cagnes-sur-Mer 28km 2795 01:08:53 137 1.044 102 91 352 1250 348 452
    Cyclisme virtuel 23.04.2024 10:01 ROUVY - Tempo Blocks | Climber's plan 1536 01:18:58 98 650 9 83 241 500 224 525
    Cyclisme virtuel 23.04.2024 14:45 ROUVY - Prati di Tivo | Italy 5116 01:55:47 134 1.550 871 87 328 1550 324 439
    Cyclisme virtuel 24.04.2024 10:00 ROUVY - Tempo Endurance 2 | Climber's plan 2370 01:18:30 111 980 949 87 260 660 242 452
    Cyclisme virtuel 24.04.2024 14:45 ROUVY - Tour of the Alps 2024 | Stage 4 - Borgo Valsugana 2338 00:44:38 137 528 580 86 330 600 324 452
    Cyclisme virtuel 25.04.2024 10:03 ROUVY - Torque Enhancer 2 | Climber's plan 2086 00:50:00 116 448 141 80 255 400 239 433
    Cyclisme virtuel 25.04.2024 14:06 ROUVY - Tour of the Alps 2024 | Stage 3 - Schwaz 2425 00:52:26 144 753 727 87 365 870 349 657
    Cyclisme virtuel 26.04.2024 09:02 ROUVY - Attack to the climb 2 | Climber's plan 2738 01:09:59 116 603 2 90 280 660 247 551
    Cyclisme virtuel 26.04.2024 14:17 ROUVY - Tour of the Alps 2024 | Stage 1 - Lafot 2570 00:51:59 118 495 440 80 302 590 294 438
    Cyclisme virtuel 28.04.2024 09:54 ROUVY - Tempo Blocks 2 | Climber's plan 1202 01:10:00 112 1.046 -- 84 269 630 251 551
    Cyclisme virtuel 28.04.2024 13:49 ROUVY - Castiglione | Italy 3873 00:57:23 137 92 44 90 340 830 325 519
    Cyclisme virtuel 29.04.2024 09:42 ROUVY - Tempo Endurance 3 | Climber's plan 3038 01:33:04 108 1.040 970 86 265 800 247 412
    Cyclisme virtuel 29.04.2024 13:55 ROUVY - Tour of the Alps 2024 | Stage 2 - Stans 1935 00:41:44 113 434 424 83 285 420 283 332
    Cyclisme virtuel 30.04.2024 08:53 ROUVY - Torque Enhancer 3 | Climber's plan 2294 01:00:00 112 645 650 77 255 480 238 414
    Cyclisme virtuel 30.04.2024 13:53 ROUVY - Ortisei to Passo Sella | Italy 1739 01:00:52 124 1.045 9 87 331 830 324 452
  • I don't know why I was unable to copy/paste an image Confused

  • What is your FTP? Have you been able to ride at steady power at FTP level for 1h?

  • My FTP based on Garmin and are the same 4.16.

    I cannot leave a message by replying to your question....

  • I don't know why I was unable to copy/paste an image

    The forum is very finicky when it comes to images. Sometimes copy/paste works, sometimes it doesn't. (I think the size or resolution of the image may be a factor).

    When it doesn't work I like to use a free image hoster like [] and Insert > Image/video/file

  • My FTP based on Garmin and are the same 4.16.

    I was asking for the biking FTP, so I was expecting a number in watts. By definition, FTP is maximal average power you can sustain for one hour.

    My reasoning is that there are good benchmarks of FTP by age and weight. If your FTP is as extraordinary as your cycling VO2 Max, this would be another sign that your power data is wrong.

  • Thanks you for te advice Grin

  • 381, nothing extraordinair Joy