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How do I start yesterday's planned training workout?

I use Runna for my run training plan. It synced with my Garmin 955 calendar great and I am able to do the exercises. However if I skip a day, some times I want to do the exercise the following day. But I can't seem to find a way to view yesterday's workout plan and start it. It only shows today and a few days forward.

With my 945 I went to Run > Options > Training Calendar > Scroll Up to yesterday > Do Workout
With my 955 I went to Run > Run Settings > Training > Training Calendar (only shows future workouts)

It's kind of annoying since I would either have to use my phone to track the activity (which defeats the purpose of the watch) or use the watch and memorize the workout intervals and pace.

Any idea how to workaround this and show previous workouts? Even if just yesterdays. Don't get why it's easy on my 945 but not 955...


  • Hi, I am not sure why but my training calendar stopped working since last week but until then the route was exactly the same as for the 945:

    Run > Options > Training Calendar > Scroll Up to yesterday > Do Workout

    Hope you had it sorted but eventually is a limitation caused by Runna so it uploads more upcoming training sessions. There may be an option at their app to keep the previous workouts for a few days...

  • It has been strange to me as well, but I have started thinking about training plan not in matter of what has been planned, but what I can do right now.

    If you have workouts available in your watch you should be still able to select it thru Workouts Activity.

    Press Run, scroll down. If you do not have it on the list - add it.

    Then it should be straight forward - Run - Specific Workout - Select it and RUN Forest! RUN!

    But I have stopped thinking about training plan as solid carved in stone orders.

    If you would have personal Trainer, she would shout on you that you have missed yesterday training, but you cannot reverse time. You should do maybe a bit more than what was planned for yesterday, maybe something different, but definitely not the same thing. You have 24 or more hours less to prepare for your Event.

    For example, if I know in advance that I be not able to do tomorrow's plan, then I am saving my future workout and reach it via Workout activity mentioned above. Otherwise I count on my Trainer to assign me new thing to do

    The same logic apply if I have missed not 1 session but more. Which one from the past days I should do? Maybe all of them?

    Hope that helps you

  • Yes, too bad you cannot select the previous workout on the watch. My work around is to copy the workout from yesterday to today, do that in Connect web, and sync again. A lot of work to do, but I found it the only way.