Delete old routes?

How can I quickly delete many saved routes on my Garmin?

I have only found the option to delete each individual route manually with many clicks.

Is there an option for multiple selection or a swipe gesture like on my garmin edge explore 2 bike computer on the forrunner 955?

  • Have you tried connecting your FR955 to computer over USB cable?

    There is folder \Forerunner 955\Internal Storage\GARMIN\Courses, which I believe stores all your saved Courses.

    Is this what you were looking for?

  • I haven't found a quick way from the watch or phone app. It's a massive pain!

  • Deleting the routes on a computer in the folder \Forerunner 955\Internal Storage\GARMIN\Courses works, thanks!

    But it should also simply work without a computer.

    The alphabetical sorting of routes is also not very convenient if you have saved a lot of routes on the device.
    On a much cheaper edge explore 2 bike device, the latest transferred route is at the top.
    An option for a sorting algorithm would be very welcome for the expensive forrunner series..

  • I agree with you. There needs to be a way to delete selected courses directly on the watch and there need to be different sorting options for courses - alphabetically, also by date added as you said, maybe also grouping by distance and type of running (Road, trail etc)