Is there a fix for the race predictor? Mine is extremely inaccurate.

I’ve had my forerunner 955 watch now since January and in that time I’ve worn it for almost every run. In training I regularly run 100+ miles a week and have been focusing on getting my 10k time down from 29:20. Recently I just ran a 10k in under 29 minutes. In training for this I regularly do tempos, double threshold workouts and intervals faster than race pace. My VO2 max on the watch does seem a little low at 67 given the times I’ve ran, but the race predictor is extremely inaccurate. For 10k the predicted time on my watch is 36:30, which is extremely far off the sub 29 10k I recently ran. They are on two different levels!

  • Most of Garmin’s advanced metrics are based off your MaxHR setting. Double check that you have your maxHR set correctly and that it’s as accurate as you can make it.

    « How you configure your personal heart rate zones does not impact advanced performance metrics such as VO2 max, training status, training load, load focus, or aerobic and anaerobic training effect feedback available on compatible Garmin devices. Overestimating or underestimating your maximum heart rate can, however, affect the reliability of these metrics. »