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955 fast discharge after 17.24

After 17.24 watch discharge faster then it was. In 7 hours it's like -5% without any activity. (be4 update it was like 1-2% maximum)

I didn't change any setting, didn't install any watchface etc. always use HR monitoring and don't use O2 monitoring.

Made a few restarts holding light button and normal turn off.

Is anybody have the same problem?

How to fix?

  • There's also the possibility that the heavy battery usage from a firmware update isn't accounted for as that data isn't collected. (This assumes that there's something like a coulomb counter for monitoring battery charge/discharge, rather than a naïve voltage reading.) Firmware updates happen in a special mode, before the normal boot loader starts. If this battery drain wasn't monitored the battery level will show as being higher than it truly is. It may take a few charge cycles for this to fix itself.

  • The fix is VERY EASY.....

    Power off the watch! Then wait one minute and turn it on again.

  • Still using battery at about 2x-3x the rate it was before the 17.x update. Multiple charge cycles, power off/on, etc.

    A great watch, made barely mediocre, with one useless 'update'. The battery life is the whole reason I sold my 245 for this 955. At this point, that 245 would beat this 955 in battery life.

  • before contacting Garmin, i would suggest a perhaps somewhat painful: full reset to factory. the good news, i think, is that everything including HRV should sync back.

    sorry to hear about your woes. i've confirmed that mine is basically performing normally under the latest update with my usual watch face.

  • I also have noticed faster battery drain since 17.26.  Restarting the watch does NOT seem to help.  I am barely making it 48 hrs between needing charging.  I realize there are a million variations that could affect battery drain but something has drastically changed since this update as my usage has not changed.

  • I came on this forum to post the same thing. After the 17.24 (the one that added the nap feature), not only I'm having frequent freezes and crashes, but the battery would last between 5 or 10 days instead of the usual 15 days. This is a massive regression.

  • I suggest everyone to contact the support center of garmin. Hoping this will rise awareness about this big issue