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Forerunner 955 Pool Swim Not Counting the Distance

I bought Forerunner 955 in April, a month ago. Started using it for pool trainings. It was okay in the beginning but starting with my third pool training, I am having a very big issue with interval / lap distance. Although I keep most of the features in “off” mode not to confuse the watch (especially “auto-rest” ) the interval distance displays only a dash “—“ counting the time but not counting the distance. I have to log all the training in drill mode which effects all my metrics in return. Any solutions before I throw out my newly bought Forerunner 955 away from the window? Urgent Guidance much appreciated. It is Software version 14.2. 

  • I also have the same problem with you TT

  • Are you on a screen that has distance set as a field? Do you press start at the beginning of the first interval and the lap button after each interval? Try rebooting the watch? Otherwise perhaps you have a lemon and should contact support. Using a good stroke with solid wall push offs? Mine has mostly worked fine for >6 months. Occasionally at the end of a very long workout the lap button fails to start the interval.

  • I contacted Garmin Customer Support and they advised me to reboot the watch, which actually seemed to work out (well, at least for now - for the first training since the reboot, all seemed fine).  If there comes up any other problem or edit to the currently well-functioning situation, I will update here. 

  • A reminder that like computers, they eventually need rebooting, and should be the first thing to try when problems start. I reboot mine every time I charge. That said, rebooting does not eliminate my occasional problem of the lap button failing to start a new interval toward the end of a very long workout.

  • I have my second Garmin 955, with the same problem, rebooting works for a bit, then stops counting laps.  I have to do pool swims with my Garmin 945 (glad I didn't give the 945 away when I upgraded).  I  am disappointed that the issue is still unresolved over all of this time. 

    If Garmin is still monitoring, I am on release 15.19.  If the programmers want a detailed description of how I use the watch.

    -   I go to pool swim; I hit the upper right hand button to start an interval;  at the end of the interval I hit the bottom right hand button; I do this sequence throughout the workout.  When the systems stops recording distance/lengths it still will display the interval times. HOWEVER, when saving the workout, the only data saved is data up to the point that distance/length were displayed, not even the interval times are saved, very difficult to manually update results.  Also of note, it 'seems' that at times the issue will happen if I cycle through the available screens while resting between intervals.  It happens even when I don't cycle, but I can 'hasten' the event it sems by cycling through.

    Note: if Garmin promises that it is 'fixed' in the Garmin 965, I'd upgrade, but I won't with the fear that the problem persists.

    Any thoughts??