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Forerunner 955 GPS Problem

There has been a problem with the GPS tracking of the watch for the last 3 days. Although my wife and I run side by side at the same speed for the same time, there is a serious difference in speed and distance. Look at the difference between our run this morning and 955 and 245.

  • Every single day someone could make a forum message like this where two people have been running right next to each other at they get difference distances and that is even with same model and version and FW. 

    Which one of the watches would you consider the one that matches the route and pace mostly?

    However in this case the numbers are quite a lot apart. So in order to just give you a minimum of feedback you have to provide more information. FW on both watches would be a minimum and also som information about the route itself. City-run/forest run with high buildings or trees or clear sky.

    Also is this the first time when you run together that the numbers are so far from each other?

    Perhaps you could share the two connect links or the files themselves - so they can be compared in one of the many compare tools?

  • 3 aydır 955 kullanıyorum ve bu şekilde bir sapma olmadı. Son 3 olayda bariz bir ayrışma var. Ancak bahsettiğiniz istisnalar her durumda geçerli ama hiçbiri bu kadar yüksek bir sapmaya neden olmuyor. Burada bir sorun var. 

    245 more accurate. 

  • Sorry I don’t understand the first part of your text. What FW on both watches? And what gps version on both watches?

    And what where the settings on both watches? GPS+Galileo or?? What was the recording smart recording or 1 sec recording again on both watches.

  • Forerunner  955:


    gps:2 42

    gps mode: all of them 

    Forerunner 245:



    gps  mode: gps +  glonass

  • Does the route you followed have a lot of sharp turns? Does it have a lot of buildings or trees?

    Have you compared the two GPS traces to see whether one of them is cutting corners or going off track?

    In general, I find the 955 is very accurate, far more accurate than my previous vivoactive3. For instance, my local four-lap parkrun course has many 90° turns in a short distance and lots of tree shade. My old watch sometimes measured it as short as 4.2km, but never 5km exactly. The 955 always measures it as being over 5.2km!

    On the other hand an out-and-back beach parkrun I do always measured almost exactly 5km on both watches.

  • The reason for your gps issues are that you are using gps 2.42 and it should have either been gps 2.37 or gps 2.47.

    You have probably been running on a beta FW 14.08 and the you upgraded to 1FW 4.20 

    When the next FW gets released you should be on GPS 2.43+ (2.47)  and the problem dissapears.

  • Thank you for your valuable feedback.
    I will be running the Istanbul Half Marathon next week, so hopefully the upgrade will come by then.

    As a solution; 15.12 in the Beta program comes to mind. 2.47 is available for GPS. I think I will buy the software from the beta and participate in the race with this software. 

  • can't guarantee success, but beta 15.12 has overall been excellent for me with no significant glitches or problems, so i'd recommend it even though it's a beta and not a final release version yet.

  • I'll test it in practice tomorrow morning, I'll post the weekend's post-race result here. Thank you for the feedback.