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Pace on watch is not the same shown when activity is finished

Good evening all, and thank you for stopping by.

Equipment: Garmin 955 and an HRM Pro

I have searched the forums and found several others having this issue for years, but none of the threads had a resolution. I am hoping to find one this time Muscle

Up until recently I have always run based on HR. After starting a Garmin Coach plan, they have me running via pace.

At first I thought this was a treadmill only issue. I would run, calibrate, and the next run would still VERY wrong. Very similar pace each time. Moving outside and running around my local park it was still bad. I assumed maybe bad GPS signal. Checked that I have the GPS settings set to most accurate and went to my local track with no trees.

Pacer was running a SOLID 8 mins flat. The watch said anywhere from 9-9:45 pace. I never looked down and saw anything in the 8:XX range. I looked frequently.

After we finished the 5 minute run, my watch said my average interval pace was 7:58. Basic math (.63 miles in 5 minutes) puts my pace at 7:56.

Garmin connect says that my interval pace was 7:59 (Where the extra second came from IDK) but if I look into my pace chart it reflects what my watch was saying during the run. 

Garmin Connect interval pace showing 7:59 (Watch said 7:58 at the end and math says 7:56)

The black vertical line represents the start of my run interval.

The vertical line shows exactly mid way through the run so you can get a idea of the numbers my watch was saying vs reality. 

Does anyone have an idea as to what is going on? 

  • Interested in this too. Had plenty of issues with the Fenix 6. Haven’t looked into the details since getting the 955 

  • Bump, I have noticed others talking about pace discrepancies now. My latest run was correct again. Will test again tomorrow. 

  • Today the pace displayed was 1:02 fast compared to real world. 

    This $650 gear set is essentially useless at this point. If it was always slow or always fast by a similar amount I could just compensate. At this point its +- 0-2 minutes which is useless. 

    Is there a real way to contact Garmin support? does not count. No one ever responds when I connect to chat, and the phone has cut me off 2x today alone. If this $650 spend doesn't earn real customer support then I will sell it and move on. Not sure I can convince the other 2 people I convinced to get Garmin to do the same but I will certainly try. 

  • This is how my chat session with Mary went Rofl

    Session started between Mary and Edward Varner

    Edward Varner:

    Mary:Hello! Are you located in the US or Canada?

    Edward Varner:US

    Mary:Is the pace wrong when you are doing a workout from a Garmin Coach training plan?

    Edward Varner:The pace displayed on the watch while doing any running activity is accurate about 1 in 5 times

    Mary:do you just see this in a workout or just a regular run?

    Edward Varner:Both

    Mary:Do you have some examples where the pace is different?

    Edward Varner:In the link I sent. With pictures, highlights, explanations etc

    Edward Varner:Today my watch was showing me running 9:50-10:10 for most of the run. Finish my 1 mile tempo and my real pace was 11:08

    Mary:One moment pleaes

    Edward Varner:No problem

    Mary:What GPS setting are you using? Is it just recently that the pace seems off and it was working fine before?

    Edward Varner:I have all the gps turned on. IDK I never ran by pace until I started using Garmin Coach

    Edward Varner:My GPS settings are "All + Multi-Band"

    Edward Varner:It isn't a GPS issue b/c it tracks my distance and calculates my interval pace within 1-3 seconds. I tried to show this clearly on the pictures in the post.

    Mary:So during the run on the watch, the pace is showing a faster time than that actual pace for each mile?

    Edward Varner:Faster or Slower it isn't consistent

    Edward Varner:The post it was showing faster

    Edward Varner:today it was showing slower by 1:02 compared to my real pace

    Edward Varner:The first picture in my post shows the highlighted row with my AVG pace at 7:58 (Calculated by GPS and time). The 3rd picture shows what my watch would show on the watch face while I was running.

    Edward Varner:7:59*

    Mary:Ok and how many activities have you down based off pace time?

    Edward Varner:half a dozen to a dozen.

    Edward Varner:at first it was treadmill stuff where I noticed it, then moved outside and it was still there

    Mary:Is it the same with different workouts? Also have you seen the same thing if you recorded a normal run?

    Edward Varner:The first question is very ambiguous and the 2nd I have answered.

    Mary:One moment while I look up information on this.

    Mary:You have been idle for some time now. Is there anything further I can assist you with?

    Mary:You appear to have left this chat, I hope that I was able to help you today. Please re-contact us if you require further assistance.

    Mary has exited the session.

    The conversation has been ended.

    She asked me to wait. After 5 minutes of waiting she posted the last 2 comments within 3 seconds or each other and ended the chat RoflRoflRoflRofl

  • We may have a solution. I was able to get Garmin on the phone and worked with a great support tech. Spencer if you're reading this, YOU ROCK!

    This was his suggestion, which I haven't gotten to test yet, but was promising enough to post. Hope it helps!

    The general idea is that my chest strap was being used for pace and not GPS. To fix this issue:

    1) Put on your chest strap 

    2) Hold down the middle left button until you see the screen that says "Watch Face"

    3) Scroll down until you see "Sensors & Accessories" and select it

    4) Look for your chest strap in the list and select it

    5) Scroll to and select "HRM Pace & Distance" (may say something different if you have the HRM Pro+ etc)

    6) Set use for pace to indoor only. 

    This way the pace is being calculated by GPS when not inside. I will test tomorrow and report back Pray

  • After my run today the pace seems to be much more accurate on the watch face. This is just one day / test so I will keep it up for a few days and post an update. This may be the issue with the auto lactic threshold test if it can't get a consistent enough pace etc Thinking

  • After almost 2 weeks of testing, the pace is spot on still! I don't know about the automatic LTT yet.