Is there a solution yet for the GPS problems with the Forerunner 955? I have really inaccurate GPS Signal and big jumps during tracking. The 955 is just two weeks old.
Is there a solution yet for the GPS problems with the Forerunner 955? I have really inaccurate GPS Signal and big jumps during tracking. The 955 is just two weeks old.
This sounds more like a hardware issue to me too be honest..
Can't say I recognize this, enough to complain but GPS is pretty much rock solid... fast and precise.
Always using all+multiband here btw... Please provide some examples so we can check it out.
Quick update: Still the same problems. Recognized that before start the GPS switches every few seconds between green and red. After a longer green I started. Good signal the first kilometer and than really…
Quick update: Still the same problems. Recognized that before start the GPS switches every few seconds between green and red. After a longer green I started. Good signal the first kilometer and than really poor signal (big jumps) again...
I am in contact with the support but no solition yet.. its really disppointing that the new whatch do not work correctly.
The are old threeds with GPS problems wirh the garmin 955. Did it go away with older software updates?
Never had any problem with GPS, its amazingly accurate for me.
Look a the suggestion by Trailbiker on this post (third from last post)