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HRV baseline not updating since Timezone changee

watch: Garmin 955 Solar

So I travelled to a different country(India) which is about 12hrs time difference from where I stay(USA). Meaning my normal day becomes night and night becomes day. I stayed in india for about 6 weeks during which the HRV baseline was updated correctly.

I returned to USA on 26th November, and there was a time zone change again. Since 26th Nov, the HRV baseline has not updated. My HRV is showing as poor since that day. This has thrown off other parameters required by garmin to determine my training status.

i don’t know if this is due to a timezone change or if the watch is broken.

I am basically considering asking a replacement from Garmin since it has only been 4 months since i got the watch. Second question, does anyone know if garmin replace watch with brand new watch or with some refurbished watch?

Anyone experienced the same issue?

  • For anyone who facing the same issue... So i reached out to Garmin Support Team. They ask me to update my Forerunner 955 Solar with Garmin Express (using PC connection). Garmin Express shows me that there were some map updates pending. I updated those and it starts working again after about 3days after update. I now see the baseline values being updated correctly