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Beta 13.15 - In the name of science : GAP, HotKey to watch face and GPS , Wrist Power test

I did a test today of these items.   I know you will find this interesting!

As background generally I run with a HRM-PRO Plus. I had the Garmin Combo Power IQ screen on my activities.

After loading 13.15 Beta, I removed the Combo Power IQ and added the Running Power Data screen to my activities. 

You will see in my bug report on the beta forum that adding the Data Screen Running Power via the GC app did not work correctly for me and I had to add it on the watch itself.

I did a run today as follows:

I started with my HRM attached and ran about 4.5km. At 4.5km I disconnected the HRM from the watch setting the connection to off. At 5.0Km I did a hot key to watch face and kept the watch face on until 5.5km. At this stage I reconnected my HRM.  I confirmed the HRM was OFF as the HRM Running Dynamics data is blank for the part the HRM was connection off.

1. The GPS Trace continued throughout , indicating to me that the issue with HotKey to the Watch Face deactivating the GPS is now remedied. It had a proper GPS trace not a straight line.

2. Power was recorded during the time the HRM was off. This indicated wrist based power is working.

3. GAP showing on the watch face is a nice to have and I set a screen with actual pace and GAP pace and one could see the difference where there is an elevation. 

Attached is the power graph vs elevation for the entire run. you can see the gaps where I stopped and approx 4.5km and 5.5km are visible in the power dips. Given the elevation changes and pace changes its not really easy to see if the HRM and Wrist power are identical , but they at least seem in the same range.

I hope this is helpful.