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Corrupted / partial activity recording

FR 955 glitched today and recorded only a part of the ride. The activity does not load on the watch and does not sync. I was able to to copy the fit file from the device, but it's only a half.

What happened is that I tried to create and navigate a route using Garmin Express in the middle of the ride. As usual, make a route, save as track and upload to FR. Select to navigate. The track showed properly in the preview, but as a straight line on the map screen. I noticed later that the last few miles actually showed properly on FR. So I gave up and used the phone to navigate. Recoding was working all time, stats were collected. Also the live tracking shows full ride, but I cannot export it from there. The fit is truncated from the moment I tried to set that route.

Garmin, this is extremely uncool. FR 955 has an enormous number of bugs. Everyone on this forum has their favorite. Maybe you can contact me and offer a full refund?

From now on, I will have to record by phone as a backup. And will probably never use Garmin Express to create routes offline.

  • Maybe "middle of the ride" is key.  

  • This also happened to me 2 months ago, I was editing the settings of a connect iq widget mid ride. Never happened after that

  • Happened to me again. Made a new course in Explore (offline) mid-ride, converted to track, synced to FR 955, stopped the previous course without stopping the activity, started a new one. Everything was working fine until the end of activity. Recording is corrupted and cannot be synced or saved. Dah.

    I tried to reproduce at home later but could not. There is something else that makes the course corrupted. Maybe needs more time.