I have several trails near my house I've been using for my morning Walk activities. Since I walk these trails often, I know the distances of various points along the path of these trails. After the 12.25 beta firmware, I noticed shorter distances along the trail and a total distance which is about 7% shorter than my previous Walks. My Walk activities distances with FW 12.25 were 5.86 and 5.89 km. My previous Walks on the same trail in July with FW 11.12 were 6.26, 6.27 and 6.26 km. Previous Walks of this trail with my Fenix 7s resulted in 6.24 and 6.27 km. This morning Walk activity with FW 12.27 on another trail yielded a similar 7% shorter distance (about 0.5 km short on an 8 km walk).