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Is there anyone who is not experiencing any issues introduced by 12.20 or 12.23 ?

Is there anyone who is not experiencing any issues introduced by 12.20 or 12.23 ?

I am curious if there is anyone who is NOT experiencing battery drain/training status/heart rate zone that could be introduced by 12.20 or 12.23.

Those issues above might come from 11 version and I am curious if updating to 12.23 will cause another new issue.

  • couple related anecdotal experiences: (nothing i'm still on 11.12 because of all of the bugs reported):

    - i have seen a notable benefit of solar. if i'm out and out about (i live in CA) either backpacking or spending significant amount of time outdoors, during daylight hours, smartwatch consumption will drop to 0-2% over the course of daylight hours (8am-8pm) vs typically about 4%. i've seen it on multiple occasions driving "go out" a percent. yet, when i'm stuck at work, i have seen minimal benefit.

    - i have for the most part had stellar battery life with my phone, but i have seen reliably on a couple of occasions staying at my in-laws house that i lost of ton of battery capacity overnight when my phone was a couple rooms away from me charging in the kitchen, while typically at home, i have my phone charging on a dresser in my bedroom. so i am pretty certain its a BT connection issue. 

    oddly, this scenario is not helped by turning the watch into Battery Saver mode (i tried that one night and still lost 11% over 9 hours) so that battery saver mode isn't functioning properly and disabling bluetooth as i've set it to do.

  • I've had the same experience concerning the Bluetooth issue and phone distance. I think the only solution is to disable phone connection. 

    Maybe I just haven't had enough time to try the solar.

    But during the night I lose about 2 percent with 8 hours of sleep.

    During the day I lose more also when I am not using it. I do remember the day at the beach I did not lose percentage but I certainly didn't gain. 

  • my overnight usage with "sleep hours" set to 10pm to 7am (i don't sleep that much but trying to be a battery miser), i see 1-2% consumption using watch faces that have a "lower powered" mode for those hours (Coros Apex Like, for eg), i overall see 5-7% for my typical faces for the overall 24 hour period for these faces that have 1 hz seconds on during my "waking hours"

    Solar: your beach experience matches my own experience. the watch does get a good boost if you are out in the sun during the day. is it life changing? no. but for a backpacking trip, it buys me some extra endurance and a little more in day to day life. the biggest benefit to me is that the bezel looks less prominent which i really like. (it first looked strange to me -- the mirrored solar band -- but i've gotten used to it and now like it)

  • Hi Derek . Thanks for the detailed feedback you always provide on the forum. I’ve lost around 20% in a 28 hour period including one 1hr treadmill activity . I have the non solar version. I did upgrade to 12.23

    A question. Do you leave GC app active in the background on your phone always, including at night?


  • hi SMR, i am not sure exactly how active GC is during the night. i do have "Background App Refresh" set to "on" on my iPhone 13 pro running iOS 15.6.1.

    for your 28 hour period, we were you able to see where and when most of the battery fall off occurred?

    i've only witnessed maybe 3 or 4 massive drains on my watch, 2 occurred at my in-laws condo as i noted above. i thought it was fluke the first time, but now i'm convinced it was due to proximity of my phone to the watch. the other case was during my backpacking. my phone wasn't very far away but i went from airplane mode to turning on BT to update some data screen settings and then forgot to change thing back, and then i saw  big drop over a few hour period until i disabled bluetooth on bot the phone and watch and things went back to normal. i think there may have been one other instance in the 2+ months i've had the watch but i can't recall the particulars of that instance.

    other than these instances (again, i'm still on 11.12), the battery life on my watch has met specs and expectations which is very pleasing. i'd really like to try out SatIQ and get that backlight bug (triggered by glances fixed), but the prospect of unexpected battery drain and loss of cadence while running has me sitting and waiting for Garmin to figure things out rather than going to 12.23. i haven't heard of anyone on 12.23 who doesn't have the cadence issue, so it seems pretty widespread. (except for those using HRM-PRO... i use a standard Garmin HRM but rely on the watch to provide cadence metrics)  while not perfect, the maps were useful enough during my backpacking trip (using buttons to zoom and touch to pan) although i am hoping they figure out the navigate to a selected point feature some time soon.

  • I have issues but not those issues.

  • so cadence is working fine for you with 12.23 via the watch's internal sensors?

  • Thanks Derek. I'll watch it more closely but my impression was that it was mostly linear (the battery drain).