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Lactate Threshold Not Updating in Garmin Connect

FW 12.23.
Today, once again after a workout, the watch offered to save updated data on the lactate threshold - 175 bpm and 4:13 temp. I pressed save. Then I look at the clock and see that the values ​​​​have not been saved. The pace remained the same 4:19. The lactate threshold was 175 - there is nothing to update here. It's not the first time. This happened on 11.2 and 12.2 as well.

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  • No. You would only be able to set manually the lhtr HR under the heartrate section... But you wouldn't be able to set the pace and power associate with that LHTR. I don't recommend do that

  • Thank you. So keeping the auto-detect but disabling sync with GC Mobile/Web?

  • Yes. Sadly seems that Garmin it's not trying to fix this major bug. They just add more and more half-baked and buggy new features ... Just because of marketing...  long time ago stopped answering about this bug Disappointed

  • It's not a bug, it's a feature... :-D

  • Today I tested a way to force recording of LTH and it worked.

    Went for interval training without phone, watch found new LTH, pace and power and once home synced via GC. All ok!

    Previous times I've made runs bringing with me the phone. At the end of a run, GC synced BEFORE it was prompted the new LTH, so GC wasn't able to record new values

  • After syncing over garmin express/computer the last times I had a LTH update (and it then syncing ok) the last time I got a LTH update I synced over bluetooth/phone again and it worked. No clue why and if this will be the case more often, expect to do more intervals next week again, but yeah... just flip a coin I guess.

  • I tested this a million times and always fail .

    What can be happening on your side is this:

    Sometimes the lhtr HR is synced correctly, but not the LHTR pace neither the LHTR power.

    Check on Garmin connect that you see a record  in the histogram for that day not only with the LHTR hr , but also the pace.

  • With my "trick" I have all 3 values updated in GC

  • This morning I got a new LT reading (HR, power and pace) and before accepting I disabled bluetooth on my phone, then sync'd using Garmin Express as some people have said this works. I did get HR and pace sync'd this way, but not power.

    This issue has been around for over 4 months and Garmin haven't shared any updates I can see for weeks. When is it going to get fixed? is there any news please?

  • Hmmm, I always run without my phone so that hasn't worked for me... I accepted the new thresholds outside, it synced once inside but wasn't updated. (But as mentioned, the last time it actually did work/sync properly...)

    Both values (lactate threshold pace and heartrate) are in garmin connect, so it actually seemed to have worked. No guarantee it will work next time of course but planning on doing interval training tomorrow if I feel good enough so that's gonna be the next test.