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Bluetooth music hangs

I use my 955 to listen to podcasts during my runs. It happened several times and I can't reproduce the problem. Can take 10 minutes or 50 minutes, or even won't happen. But many times the bluetooth connection hangs. Music stops.Everything remains as if the music was playing, I can pause, play, nothng happens.

Disconnect the phones, connect the phones. Nothing. My phones become unresponsive. As if the BT stack has hanged. I can't even disconnect the phones (long press on one of them doesn't work)  I have used these same phones for years with my 945 without any issues. 

I think only once the music returned out of nothing.  

This is a rather strange issue, Don't know how to get info on this. Nobody has ever experienced any issue like this ? I was considering filing a bug report

  • Happened again today about 10 mins in with hrm pro connected via ant+ recording a 5km run. Had to turn headphones off this time and reconnect them which was a pain whilst running. Last time I luckily could re pair them pressing the play/pause button, but seems to be very random when it will happen. Also had no other Bluetooth devices i.e. phone with me that could cause it to connect else where.

  • All,

    Some of you have shared that you have been using Spotify with the shuffle feature, which seems to be causing the watch trouble.  We would like to have a new thread started for this specific circumstance.  Will one of you experiencing this please start a new thread and post the URL here for the others to reference?

    Once created, I will reach out to affected users for more information in the thread.

  • I'm still stuck with this issue. not using spotify.

    Maybe it's a combination of circumstances. i found out that it always happens when:

    Navigating a course, using the Trail config

    Going off course

    Listening to a podcast

    This in Austria

  • Every other time I remember this issue. Not had any news (nor firmware updates lately....) Truth is I didn't listened to BT audio lately. But yesterday 5 minutes into my run.... Bumm!!!! Stuck!!!   Stopped, remove headphones. re-add headphones, resumed audio. Went till the end without more issues.

    There is no circunstances for this to happen. Yesterday, normal run, 5 minutes running, no other audio prompts, nada

    Garmin, is there anything going on ? Nobody contact me, no updates, nothing. Are you already acknowledge the issue ? Working on it ? 


  • I had this exact problem with a new 955S (12.27FW) got so bad I gave up even trying to fix it and just use my phone for music.. Totally unreliable sadly :( 

  • I have the same issue with Amazon Music with and without shuffle enabled on a 955 Solar with 12.27.  I did not try it with Spotify.  I duplicated the disconnect issue on AirPod Pros and with no name Chinese Bluetooth earbuds.   The music stops on every run after ten minutes or so.  After the music stops, I can start/stop music via the headphones but no sound so the Bluetooth connection is alive, just no music.  Interestingly, after the music stopped, I manually disconnected the earbuds, reconnected during the activity and the sound came back as well as two lap voice notifications, one after another.  

  • That's exactly the issue. The problem is how to find a way to reproduce it so Garmin can identify and solve it. I couldn't find a way to reproduce it every time.

  • A similar problem with One Plus buds Pro, My Music source, after about 10 minutes, the sound in the headphones disappears, while Play is active and there is a connection. You have to reconnect your headphones. I'm not sure if this is related or not, at the same time, HRM Pro can turn off the advanced metrics channel, I notice by the value "0" in the power field.

    1. Yes

    2. Yes

    3. Russia