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FR 955 Series: Training effect calculation is wrong AFTER 12.23 software (may include 12.27 and 13.15 sw)

At the request of duplicate the topic here - from the beta 12.2 forum!
Instead of fixing the problem, Garmin is engaging in bureaucracy!


Because some of you have reported seeing this on the latest(non-beta) production software, let's please have you start a thread in the main forum for this device:


Training effect calculation is wrong! After the update, this indicator began to be considered incorrect relative to the past similar workouts. 

Today, August 22, there was a training session. The workout was in zone 1 with an average heart rate of 135 bpm. Training Effect wrote that he trained his lactate threshold well. O_O IS IT? IT'S A JOKE? The run was strictly in zone 1. My lactate threshold in the app is 176! Until update 12.2 and complete data reset from the watch, Incl. there was no such training!

today's training - 24.08.22. what the ***?!?! WTF?! What is another intense workout? what the *** is a vo2max increase?!? It's a Base workout! This was before the update to 12.2. Garmin please take note and fix this ASAP!

  • Mine is 196, I am 34

  • 220 - age = 186

    My speculation is Garmin is using 186 as your Max HR.

    Thus your activities load become more "heavier" than expected.

    It would be good if users can share more information.

  • You are super stuck on this info. Running zones have worked for a long time with Garmin till the last update. Lots of Garmin watches have been affected. I had the 945 which was in the same boat. The issue is it's always using Max Heart rate for zones. Even if you set LTHR or HRR. My heart rate is 185 according to the Garmin HRM Pro auto updating my max heart rate and actually doing the cardiac test last year. I use LTHR because after years of running I know my perceived effort. If you look at the default zones and try to run easy you might as well speed walk. This is below junk miles even.

    Based On

    BPM - max heart rate


    Maximum (Z5)

    167-185 bpm

    Threshold (Z4)

    148-167 bpm

    Aerobic (Z3)

    130-148 bpm

    Easy (Z2) 111-130 bpm

    Warm Up (Z1)

    93-111 bpm

    Based On



    Maximum (Z5)

    175-185 bpm

    Threshold (Z4)

    166-175 bpm

    Aerobic (Z3)

    156-166 bpm

    Easy (Z2)

    140-156 bpm

    Warm Up (Z1)

    114-140 bpm


  • For someone who claims to still be on 11.12, DPSK is incredibly invested in troubleshooting this specific issue. 

  • I bought the watch like you do. I didn't get it for free.

    But it is fine if you don't value my posts.

  • We get that you are trying to help, but we are all at a dead end at this point. I just hope Garmin fixes this soon.

  • Now I get what you mean from the latest post.

    You are wrong buddy.

    I suggest you read the white paper again.

    The zones are irrelevant in the TE. Your max HR is what matters. Somewhere in the middle of this thread, someone also pointed it out.

    When you said TE was correct in the past, that's because Garmin was using the correct max HR.

    Now the TE is wrong because Garmin probably got the max HR parameter wrongly.

  • The training zones are BASED on heart rate, whether you have them set by Max, HRR, or LTHR. If the heart rate calculations are wrong, then the time in training zones will also be wrong, so the point you're trying to make is irrelevant. We're all observing this issue because the time we spend in our zones is in direct conflict with the training effect calculated after activities. That's the most obvious way to see the problem. Unless you work for garmin and can actually fix the bug, knowing its source is meaningless. 

  • The point is, your speculation is irrelevant. Garmin is addressing the issue, we just have to wait. The most we can do as individuals let Garmin know we're experiencing the bug/problem. None of this applies to you if you're still on 11.12, which is why your level of involvement is unusual. 

  • Your statement is really like wtf.

    1) I am interested to get the problem fixed because I want to upgrade the FW.

    2) And this is a discussion board. So only only those having issues can reply?

    3) And for christ sake, please open up the whitepaper. Point to me where it says anything to do with running zones?????