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Garmin connect app and 955 battery drain

I think I found one of the reasons we may have battery drain . If on your watch move on widgets you will see the % and days or hours left. While you have your Garmin connect app on your phone open , go to watch and go to activity. Click on your activity to change the settings and then you will see on your watch the remaining time to go from days to hours. Practically your phone app , open in the background the watch activity and activate GPS etc. so if you don’t move from the activity settings on your phone app, the watch will keep all the activity sensors open and this will drain the battery.

  • If you swipe away to the watch face whilst keeping the app on the activity settings screen, then swipe back to the widget view the original "smartwatch" battery life returns.

    It seems that the shorter time is the battery life expected if you do the activity that you're editing. Probably a minor display bug, not an indication of battery drain.

  • indeed the screen on your phone in the background will comeback to dates but GPS and the activity is still active . See the result here. 1% in 10 minutes just working on settings using the Garmin connect app on my phone. So this is a clear bug 

  • I see the same problem: when I edit activities via GCM, for example adding data pages and fields to trail running or running, battery consumption increases rapidly. I rebooted the watch after two hours and 11% battery drain.